Saturday, June 24, 2023

6th Grade Graduation


Colbie graduated from Edmonds Elementary and is headed to Meadowdale Middle School next year!  I can't believe she will be in 7th grade and in Middle School!  She is ready for the adventure.  After the graduation ceremony she went to a pool party at her friends house with all her buddies, so fun!

Colbie is so lucky to have gone through elementary school with this amazing group of girls.  They are a small group (only about 25 girls in her grade each year) but a great group.  Many of her buddies she has been with for 7 years, since Kindergarten!  It has been so fun to watch them grow up together.  They are such close friends with nearly no drama.  It is such a bummer that Edmonds Elementary gets split between middle schools.  Colbie will really miss seeing these girls each day!

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