Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Park Photo Shoot



These beautiful butterflies arrived as tiny caterpillars (Colbie's birthday gift from my mom) and we watched them transform. The kids loved every minute of it! The butterflies even spent some time in Colbies classroom. Hands down their favorite part was letting them go: watching them try out their wings, allowing them to land on their little fingers and eventually flying away. 

Daddy's Little Workers


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's Day weekend.  I was spoiled with gifts, had great weather, Colbie and I got pedicures, and Jon and I got a date night (Jon's parents were in town).  It was nice to spend Mother's Day with them and to have extra help with the kids!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

"Twinkle Star" Video

Hello Big Boy Bed

About five days after giving up the pacifier, Ashy started climbing out of his crib and coming out of his room.  It happened to be the weekend of Colbie's birthday party when my family was in town....  I think it was a combination of no pacifier, Ashy being sick with a nasty cold/cough, and knowing his cousins were still awake (not great sleeping conditions).  He kept saying "mama I hear them!"  So after a few nights of holding his door closed while he cries himself to sleep on the floor, we brought in the big boy bed and put a child safety lock on his door.  After our guests left, he transitioned quickly and is now proud of his "Good Dinosaur Big Boy Bed"!

It was an emotional week for me.  I did not plan to get rid of the pacifier and crib within the same week. What happened to my baby boy?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bye bye pap pap!


I didn't think Ashy would ever voluntarily give up his "pap pap".  To my surprise, I mentioned giving them away and he looked interested.  My good friend Tamia had just been visiting and is expecting a new baby (Yay!).  So I asked if he would be willing to give them to her new baby, since he was such a big boy.  He still wasn't sure, but when I mentioned mailing it, he was SOLD!  He loves the mailman.  He immediately took out his pacifier, put it in a box, labeled it/colored it, put it in the mailbox, and waved good bye when the mailman came to get it.  He did great at nap/bedtime and hardly even asked for it for the first few days!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

March of Dimes

Colbie and I walked for Henry in the March for Babies and had such a fun time. Henry is such a great success story and we are so grateful to have him in our lives! 

Dentist and haircuts

We survived the dentist and haircuts! I knew colbie would do well at both, but Ashton did shockingly well at the dentist. He enjoyed watching Mickey Mouse while getting his teeth checked and cleaned. No cavities for either kid.
This was also the first time Ashton got a haircut without having to sit on my lap. A successful day!

He was annoyed however about getting his picture taken.