Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ashton 4 months

-No longer swaddled, sleeps in a sleep sack
-Loves chewing on his hands, standing (with help of course), grabbing for things (especially hair), listening to Daddy play the guitar and recently has figured out how to slowly grab a toy out of my hand and put it in his mouth
-Prefers napping in our bed and on the go, but we have started training him to nap in his crib, it's exhausting!
-In the early stages of showing signs of a schedule, yippee!
-Wears 6-9 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and still sleeps 9 hours at night
-Doesn't really look like any of us yet, has the cutest fuzzy blonde hair, and continues to be our chunky boy
-Nicknames include Chunky Monkey, Bubba, Buddy, Big Boy, and most often Ashy

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sibling Love

These two are the best, I'm so lucky to be their Mommy!

Dozer Days

This past weekend we went to Vancouver for the Hazel Dell Parade (something I went to every year as a kid) and Dozer Days.  Colbie loved every minute of the parade and enjoyed Dozer Days as well, mostly because Ryder was there:)

Colbie originally asked if she could wear a dress but decided to wear boots and the construction vest
Ryder brought for her instead.  These two really do love each other and it makes me so happy!

Mommy and Me Pedis

For Mothers Day Colbie and I got pedicures.  She did great and loved getting her very first pedi!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Henry William Younger is a true miracle!  After nearly 7 weeks of hospital bed rest and 31.5 weeks pregnant this amazing Mommy welcomed her son into the world; weighing 4 pounds 6 ounces and arriving with lots of determination and spunk!  Words can't describe what Bethany has been through and continues to go through for this sweet boy.  She is such an amazing women and a true inspiration.  Henry you're very lucky to have this beautiful lady as your mommy and I'm blessed to have her as a life long friend.

Henry is now three weeks old and doing great!

Beth getting to hold Henry for the first time

Meeting Henry