Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ashton's One Year Stats

Weight: 22 pounds 10 ounces (50-75%)
Height: 30 inches (50-75%)
Head: 18.5 cm (50-75%)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sweet Siblings

Although Ashton often screams from near suffocation due to Colbie's everlasting hugs and Colbie often says "Ashy ruins everything," the love these two share is undeniable and it makes me so happy!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Ashton Turns One

My baby is one!  I can't believe it, this year has gone by so fast.  Ashton has been such a good baby and a perfect addition to our family.  He truly completes us and we're so blessed to call him our son.  He is our happy go lucky, adventure seeker, total bruiser, chubby and incredibly sweet little boy.

-Loves music, musical instruments, and dancing.  Has a few new dance moves, which includes squats and lots of finger waving.
-Loves balloons and anything resembling a ball.  "Ball" is his newest word and we hear it very often!  Also says mama, dada, ho ho (Santa), and woof woof.
-Still not a great sleeper.  Naps are better, takes 2 per day each an hour or little longer.  Prefers to be rocked/bounced to sleep.  Still wakes around 5am to eat but usually goes back to bed until 7.
-Has been sick for the past two weeks (including his first ear infection) so he has not been eating much, this made ending nursing easy, he hasn't seemed to miss it.  Also the transition to whole milk went smoothly.
-Favorite foods: Cheese, yogurt, any fruit (especially berries), tortellini and mac n cheese.
-Easy to smile and laugh, very ticklish. 
-Loves baths, being outside, playing in Colbie's room, his paci and blankie, dogs, and the vacuum.
-Hates getting his diaper/clothes changed.
-He's pretty independent and likes to explore (get into trouble) and is usually carrying around something in each hand.
-Enjoys putting things in and out of buckets/baskets.
-Looks a little like Colbie at age one.

My favorites:  The rare kisses he gives, snuggles before bed, his "ooo" and pointing when he sees something he likes, his chubby/round face, his adorable waddle/walk.  Snuggling on the couch together with his blankie and paci and watching tv or reading books (he will only do this the last 15 min or so prior to bedtime).

And of course, way too many pics!

Friday, January 23, 2015

First Haircut

This week Ashton went to the doctor, dentist and hair salon.  He did GREAT at the doctor and dentist but cried during his entire haircut.

Before and After:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Video-Open Shut Them

This has always been Ashy's favorite song and now he knows the hand movements.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christmas in Minnesota

Christmas in Minnesota went shockingly well, even with Ashton, Colbie and Jon all sick.  The plane ride went great thanks to a little Dramamine and movies.  Ashy loved The Mall of America just as much as Colbie does, there's so much to look at!  Debbie, Michelle, Colbie and I went to Rudolph the Musical and of course Colbie LOVED it and sang along to every song.  Colbie also enjoyed lots of attention from Jon's cousins Jordan (in College) and Jessica (in high school).  She just said yesterday "I really miss Jessica."  And of course there was lots of snow!  Jon was a Super Dad and took Colbie out twice.... it was -8 degrees one day.  Way too cold for me!


Thursday, January 1, 2015


While writing Aston's 11 month blog post, I was realizing how dissimilar our children are.  Here is a little list about our two kids.

Ashy loves to eat
Colbie thinks its a total waste of time

Ashy tries anything, has no fear, and bounces right back
Colbie never tries anything until she has perfected it

Colbie slept through the night by 3 months
Ashy still wakes at 5am to nurse

Colbie had stranger anxiety starting at 2 months until nearly 3 years
Ashy smiles at everyone

Colbie is a total Mommy's girl, she still follows me around the house wherever I go
Ashy wants Daddy the second he walks through the door

Ashy is independent but gets into everything
Colbie can not be alone but is a total rule follower

Colbie prefers being clean, never spit up, and requests a napkin at every meal
Ashy is always a mess (covered in bruises, spit up, food, and dirt)

The only thing they have in common is a love for music/dance and their dimple chins!

Our Christmas

We were very excited to spend Christmas morning at home this year.  We spent the day leisurely opening gifts, playing with them, eating, packing for Minnesota, and going for a sunny walk outside.  Colbie was thrilled to receive her Singing and Glowing Elsa Doll from Santa and Ashy got Sven.  Sven received many open-mouth kisses throughout the day.  Christmas is so much fun with kids.  We are so grateful for our two little ones: their health, the joy they bring us, and their fun-loving personalities!