Sunday, November 27, 2011


We were very excited to have Jon's parents at our house for Thanksgiving this year.  It was our first time hosting Thanksgiving and our first holiday living in the upstairs.  We have always rented out the upstairs of our house and are thrilled that we are now enjoying the house all to ourselves.  Debbie and Paul did all the cooking and cleaning which was so kind and the food was fabulous!  Colbie did great and loved spending time with her grandparents yipeee!  This makes us much less stressed for Christmas!  I of course missed my family tons but enjoyed not having to travel this holiday.  We will be doing plenty of traveling for Christmas.

We are so thankful for such loving dedicated parents on both sides, caring friends, a cozy home to call our own, enjoyable jobs, and of course our little angel.
Colbie, Jon and Debbie looking at pictures on the computer together

Playing with Grandpa Paul

Trying on Daddys hat

Family photo...the only time Colbie wont smile!

Kisses from Mom and Dad

Colbie loves riding on Dads shoulders and luckily he has no hair for her to pull=)

Colbie got lots of use out of her "Baby's First Thanksgiving" bib, thanks Katie!

Colbie and Daddy thought this was pretty funny

Colbie had pears and prunes for Thanksgiving because she was again constipated....sorry no turkey yet baby

Colbie always opens her mouth soooo wide, Grandma Deb thought this was quite adorable

Paul carving the turkey

The best part of Thanksgiving....eating

Thursday, November 17, 2011

7 Months

Our tiny baby is growing up! 

*She is very ticklish and easy to smile and giggle
*Loves baths, outings, listening to Daddy play the guitar, looking at herself in the mirror and watching other kids
*Recently enjoys her big girl stroller which faces out
*She prefers to play with and chew on anything that is not a baby toy (remote, pill bottle to shake, calculator)
*Sleeps 11-12 hours at night.  Naps just twice during the day, in the morning and afternoon (about an hour each)
*Loves all baby food that we have tried and really wants to eat what we're having
*Nurses every three hours and eats baby food 2-3 times per day
*We don't need to carry her in the front pack in the evenings anymore although she is still a happier girl during the first half of the day
*Is scared to death of the vacuum
*Likes her paci when sleepy but immediately spits it out to suck her thumb as soon as she is placed in her crib
*Although Jon says I'm making it up she can say "mama," of course it doesn't mean anything....yet=)

A little about me: 
My hair has finally stopped falling out, I currently have mastitis yuk, I'm loving story time at the library and play dates with Nora and Finn (Katie) and Charlotte (Beth).
A few of my favorite things about out little angel at 7 months: kissing her soft, chubby cheeks, the babbling sounds she makes in her crib when she wakes up in the morning, her large full of gums smile (still no teeth), her very chubby fingers, and how she smacks her lips together when she's hungry.
Two of her favorite things: Daddy and being naked

Snuggle time (doesn't happen very often anymore)

Her new favorite toy: my vitamins

Playing in Dads drycleaning

Crawling Practice (we are not even close)

Love this girls smile!

She is so cute in the morning, waking up in her new sleep sack

Love her fuzzy hair

This is the look most strangers get when they get too close, yikes!

So precious

Loving life

Silly girl trying out the new carpet

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


My first Pumpkin

Chubby Ladybug

Halloween Party with Auntie Cole and Auntie Kristin

Halloween Party with Hope

My sister and her son Ryder came to visit so we dressed up the kids for a few pictures

Three little ladybugs!