Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Fathers Day

Jon totally shines as a Dad.  He's fun, loving, silly, sweet, honest and great at admitting his mistakes to me and the kids which is such a great life lesson for all.  Both kids light up and fight for his attention when he arrives home from work each night.  His very important strengths as a Dad include playing lions, wrestling, art/craft projects with Colbie, Go Fish, singing "Ants Go Marching," and has even been known to play princesses, act out the prince in Cinderella, and belt out "Let it Go."  We are so lucky to have him!

Fathers Day weekend included a nature walk along Cedar River including a scavenger hunt for the kids (all Jon's doing), lunch date with just Colbie, park time, and dinner at the Bellevue Brewing Company.

17 Months

A quick update at 17 months because Ashy is learning and changing so much!

-Obsessed with flowers, blueberries, doing "cheers", llama llama books, climbing onto the couch and our bed, telling us "no."
-Transitioning to one nap
-Talks so much, has learned so many new words this month! A few of my favorites: melmo-elmo, wower-flower, do do-thank you, and uh oh!
-Waves and says hi to every stranger we pass by
-Is becoming quite opinionated
-Tells me when he goes "poo-poo"

Getting too big, too fast!  I may give him a bedtime bottle until he's 4!


Daddy is our Hero

Last Day of Preschool

Colbie LOVES school and is sad summer break has arrived.  She had a great last day.  She was given a portfolio with lots of adorable art work and a special gift from her teachers (a book).  Colbie is very excited to have Teacher Erin again next year and have her two best buddies (Laysa and Mia) returning.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pajamas, Pink Shoes and Quad

Vancouver Fun

Everyone had a great time in Vancouver this weekend!  The fun included a new swing-set at my moms house (best Grandma and Grandpa ever, thanks Mom and Joe), bounce house, swimming pool, quads, sleepovers and massive amounts of sunscreen.  My kids were filthy, exhausted and happier than ever!  Cousin time is the best!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Splash Park

Both kids had a blast at the Tukwila Splash Pad.  We were the only people there for awhile and it was so fun and relaxing.  Last year Colbie would be completely dry after leaving splash parks (not her favorite), but she got pretty brave and wet this time.  Ashy was wet right away and followed Colbie around everywhere.  I guess next time I will be packing swim suits and towels!