Saturday, September 8, 2018

Soccer Star

This little lady had a hat trick in her first game of the season! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Colbie's First Day of School 2nd Grade

She's off - 2nd Grade with Mrs. Jarrell

Ferry Advenure

Zoo and Ballard Locks


We had so much fun at Lakebay!  We had our very own pool, the kids swam for hours and hours each day.  We also had our own private dock.  The kids got fishing pools from my Mom and Joe and absolutely LOVED fishing.  It was so fun to watch the big kids catch fish.  The weather was great for most of the days and other than some smoky air it was all around perfect!

Love this video of Ryder catching his first fish.  Colbie is so excited/happy for him.

Colbie's first catch.