Saturday, July 29, 2017

Days of Summer Photo Project (July)

Ashton 3.5

Ashton is VERY excited about being 3.5.  Actually he is totally obsessed right now with being older than, stronger than, bigger than, etc.  Other likes/obsessions include bad guys, guns/swords, anything outdoors, swimming, riding his scooter, books, and TV.  His dislikes include walking (he is quite lazy), eating, and pretty much any task we as him to do.  He has become a bit opinionated and defiant.....   He often follows me around the house screaming "leave me alone!" #threenager  We are hoping it's just a short faze.  He is still a great cuddler and lately is all about Daddy.

Friday, July 28, 2017


We had so much fun Camping at my Dad's place.  Mayfield Lake really is my happy place.  I have so many great memories here from when I was a kid, and its so fun to see my kids enjoying it too!


Thursday, July 27, 2017


Colbie had a "shark tooth" (her adult tooth was in and her baby tooth was not coming out) so we had to get her bottom two front teeth pulled.  She did awesome!  She did not complain at all and was a perfect patient.  On our way home she started feeling nauseous and we had to pull over immediately.  She was so sick and threw up for the next 24 hours.  She was absolutely miserable and I felt awful for her!  Not the experience we were hoping for especially since it was her first tooth lost.