Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Months

Month 3 has been filled with many smiles, lots of playing, and finally sleep!  Here are a few pictures of our big 3 month old and a little about her personality!

*Sleeps 7 to 8 hours, eats and will go back to sleep for 2 more hours during the night, but doesn't nap much during the day
* Loves being bounced by Daddy, being on her changing table, spending time outside, baths, being held over Moms shoulder, reading books, playing on her play mat and relaxing in her swing.
*Still eats every 2 hours (exactly) during the day
*Has lost almost all her hair, Dad says she has a mullet=(
*Still prefers her fist or any skin to her pacifier
*Her favorite toy is her feet.  Reaches for things to kick constantly.  We may have a soccer player!
*Has no interest in her hands other than sucking them (or reaching for her feet)
*Really wants to sit up and works very hard at it
* Does not prefer tummy time on a flat surface (her neck and legs are strong but her arms are little help)
*Loves the "motor boat" sound and tries to imitate it, sounds a bit more like she's gurgling, its very cute
*Needs Mom or Dad in sight nearly all the time
*Is so close to laughing, we can't wait!
*Her eyes seem to be getting or green perhaps
*Still looks just like Daddy
Kisses from Mommy

She loves her Play Mat, thanks Auntie Cole

3 month photo shoot in her summer dress

She loves reading with Mommy

Her feet must be involved in the story too!

Mom making Colbie smile with the motor boat sound

Tummy Time

Happy to be sitting up

Goofy Smile

Getting close to rolling over

Sleepy Baby

Chubby Baby

Very Cute=)

My favorite way to be held by Daddy.  It's a little bright outside for Colbie

Thursday, July 14, 2011

1st Vancouver Trip

Colbie and I made our first trip to Vancouver, and possibly our last.....No it wasn't that bad, but we definitely want Dad to join us next time.  I think Colbie was a bit overstimulated.  There are always lots of activities and people at my Moms house.  She pretty much cried unless I was holding her.  I thought the trip would be a nice break for me but no such luck!  Here are a few mostly happy pictures from our trip.
Love this picture, exactly how the trip went!

Ryder was so gentle and sweet with her, but Colbie was a bit tired of being passed around at this point

Uncle Phil, he looks ready for baby #2!

Ryder and Noah, best buds

Uncle Casey with his niece and nephew


Hope trying to console Colbie, loves this picture!

Grandma, Ryder and Colbie rocking together

Me and my big boy nephew, I can't believe how big he is!

He loves his football

Auntie Kristin can always make Colbie smile, this is one of my favorite pictures ever!

Sleeping with Grandma

Happy to see Grandpa Ryan

Colbie and Grandma Ryan

Grandma White can't get enough of her new granddaughter
Auntie Brookie, we are hoping her baby on the way is a girl=)
I am sooooo sad that I did not get a picture of Colbie and Nichole together.  The first night Nichole was wearing scrubs and passed on photo ops and the second night she did her best to help me out and care for crying Colbie, but this was not a very happy evening and the camera stayed away.  Sorry auntie Cole we love you very much and plan to get lots of photos of you in August so be ready!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Colbie's Friends

Colbie is so lucky to have such great friends and cousins to grow up with!  She really enjoyed this past weekend which allowed her to met her cousin Ryder for the 1st time.  He wasn't too excited about Colbie at first but by the end of our visit he was saying "bebe" and pointing to his lap, which meant he wanted to hold his new baby cute!  Colbie is also excited to meet baby girl Younger arriving in September which I know will be a life long friend as Bethany and I have been through so much together!  Beth I can't wait for you to become a mommy and for us to go through this next stage of life together=)
Colbie and Finn

Colbie and Nora, her youngest friend

Colbie and Izzy on a walk together

Cousin Noah, practicing being a big brother (Brooke has a baby on the way)

Cousin and mini mom Hope with Colbie

Cousin Ryder (almost 2) and Colbie (almost 3 months) first meeting

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th

Our 4th of July was a little different this year.  We had absolutely no plans and really enjoyed it.  Our 3 day weekend was spent taking a walk at Coulon Beach, sitting by the pool, grilling, drinking margaritas and relaxing.  It was great family time!  Here are a few pictures from our weekend.  Please excuse the quality of this first photo, it was taken with my phone.  Unfortunatley Colbie pooped on her "My First 4th of July" onsie before we could take pictures with our camera.  Thanks Katie for the cute onesie, Colbie apologizes for ruining it so quickly!

Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa Case for this cute Red, White and Blue outfit!

This is Colbie's favorite outift, she hates being too warm!  She also loves her fist!