Monday, January 29, 2018

Ashton 4 Year Stats

Weight: 38 pounds (68%)
Height: 40.5 inches (55%)
Body Mass Index (71%) 

Ashy did great at his appointment. His eye test was great and he didn’t cry during his 3 shots! 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Ashton Turns 4

Ashton at 4!

-Favorites: orange (color), hot dogs, Transformers, Books, TV (Rescue Bots), Thunder by Imagine Dragons, all desserts and gum, rough housing with Daddy, playing puppies (or anything) with Sissy.
-Does not like long sleeves, jeans, most food, and baths
-He loves to be "cozy" and gives the best hugs and snuggles
-Has such a sweet, kind heart and is very easy going
-He is very slow at everything he does
-Has a long attention span and is such a good, quiet listener at school
-Prefers pretend play and building (bad guys, Hot Wheels, Transformers, Legos) to sitting at a table doing art activities, but will still sit with Sissy and color, cut, play games, etc.
-Has the best giggle and softest cheeks.
-Still loves his blankie and rubs it on his lips when he's sleepy
-recognizes most letters and numbers, and knows the sounds for half the letters
-Love him to pieces and do not want him to get any bigger!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas and New Years in Vancouver

I'm so thankful that these sweet cousins love each other so much and want to spend every holiday together.  We enjoyed a relaxing (after) Christmas celebration at my Moms house, New Years Eve
brunch at my sisters house with Kristin's family, and rung in the New Year (Vancouver Style) at my Moms.  Playing Pictionary and banging pots and pans at midnight (9pm this year) is how I remember celebrating New Years!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

White Christmas

We were all very excited to have a white Christmas this year!!!  The drive home from the airport  on Christmas Eve night was quite stressful, but we made it safely just in time to put out cookies for Santa and head to bed.  We were all very exhausted.  I didn't take many pics Christmas morning since our kids were up SUPER early, but we definitely enjoyed a lazy day of opening/playing with gifts and playing in the snow.

Christmas in Minnesota

We loved being in snowy/icy Minnesota for Christmas.  Colbie had so much fun sledding with Dad and it was so good to see all of Jon's extended family whom we haven't seen in way too long.