Monday, April 27, 2015

Party #3

Colbie had a Frozen Tea Party and it was so much fun!  She loved getting to wear her Elsa outfit, drink tea (hot chocolate) with friends and "be fancy."  And I loved it because we only invited four little girls (Charlotte, Nora, Reese and Jaicey) who all have Moms who are my good friends which made it very fun and stress free!

Happy 4th Birthday Little Princess

New Words

Ashy has learned a few new words this month.  He is also looking like such a big boy!

Words he has recently learned:
Sissy "sh,sh" (Colbie is very excited about this)
Bubba, Bubbles, and Bye Bye which all sound like "bu-ba"
Beep Beep
banana "nana"
Cheese, says "eeeeese" whenever he sees a camera
Bath "Ba"

Bike Rider

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Little Buddies

Ashton and Henry haven't interacted much yet, but recently really enjoyed each other at Seattle Gymnastics Academy.  Definitely future best friends!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Party #2

This was hardly a "party" but Colbie had a blast spending this sunny birthday weekend with her cousins.  The weekend included a treasure hunt to find her new Frozen bike, lots of gifts from my mom and sister, cupcakes, two trips to Red Robin (including a birthday song and sundae), lots of bike riding, outside play and trips to the park.  Ryder and Colbie also had their first real sleep over (Ryder slept on the floor in her room) and they did great!

Four Year Stats

Colbie's Four Year Stats

Weight: 31 pounds, 20th percentile
Height: 39.75 inches, 51st percentile
Body Mass Index: 10th percentile

She also had to get three shots.  She was very brave, wasn't really nervous and didn't shed a tear.  On the way home all she said was "It's not fun to get shots is it Mom?"

Friday, April 17, 2015

Colbie Turns Four

We had no idea four years ago how much this amazing girl would change our lives.  She brightens each and every day and brings us so much joy.  We are so proud of the confident little lady she has become.  She is our sensitive, social, cautious, independent (with tasks), loyal and amazingly sweet baby girl.

-Loves school, learning new things, reading, playing with friends, any outing, dessert, bandaids, arts/crafts and tv
-Never stops talking and asked lots of questions
-Still obsessed with Frozen.  Doc McStuffin's is her favorite TV show
-Loves games (Go Fish, Memory, Board Games) and is quite competitive
-Total negotiator, rule follower, and problem solver
-Has a great time doing nearly anything, she is easily pleased
-Loves music and dancing, her favorite songs are: All About the Bass, Boom Clap, Really Don't Care, Cool Kids and Let it Go
-Still loves her blanket
-Needs to wear a dress everyday, but wont waste any time on her hair
-Has very elaborate pretend play
-Can be a bit dramatic, sassy and bossy
-Still gets carsick and throws up very easily
-Is a great big sister and has a true bond with Ashton.  She refuses to take a bath without him, he can not go to bed or nap without a goodnight kiss and hug from her.  When she's sad/hurt she often cries "I want Ashy."
-She is very clear that her favorite colors are pink, purple, blue and yellow
-A definite leader