Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Although we haven't had too many sunny days yet this summer, Colbie has been able to wear a few summer dresses before she grows out of them.  We are looking forward to many more sunny days hopefully soon because mommy loves the sunshine and Colbie loves going on walks.  Enjoy the summer photos!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Colbie spent her first night in her nusery on June 16th.  She did great!  I don't think she even noticed.  I had a difficult time falling asleep at first but think I will sleep better in the long run.  Colbie is a very loud sleeper.  Here are some pictures of where she now spends much of her time!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Two Months Old

I can't believe Colbie is two months old, she already looks so different from when she was born and is really starting to show off her personality.  Here are few things about our little girl at age two months along with some pictures of course!

-Doesn't like napping during the day unless she is held
-Still loves baths, the sound of running water, outings, tummy time and recently loves looking at lights
-would prefer to be walking around the house with mom or dad
-When happy she coos in a very high pitch sound, I love this noise!
-Loves being on her changing table as long as she is not being changed
-Smiling more often and has started laughing in her sleep
-Hates being swaddled, must have her hands and legs free to kick and squirm
-Starting to enjoy toys which make noise and flash lights
-Will use a pacifier when in the mood, but prefers to suck on her fists
-Still looks like Daddy and is the cutest thing ever!

Stats from her 2 month appointment:
23 inches long, 50th percentile for her age
9 lbs 15 oz, 17th percentile for her age
37cm head circumference, 3rd percentile, yikes!  She has a tiny head=)
She also got three shots at this appointment which was terrible for her and mom!  She was pretty miserable for 24hours after and would only sleep if I was holding her.....long night.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Colbie's Visitors

Colbie is blessed to already be loved by so many family and friends!  Here are some pictures of most of the people who have come to visit Colbie in her first 6 weeks of life.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of Colbie and my dad, sorry Grandpa Ryan!  Colbie also looks forward to those of you who plan to visit/see Colbie very soon:  Uncle Casey, Auntie Bailey, Auntie Michelle, Uncle Eric, Tamia and Adam and I'm sure many more.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Even though Colbie has been smiling now for over two weeks it is still difficult to capture the cuteness in a photo.  Here are our best attempts!