Friday, July 24, 2020

Zuri's Doughnuts

The kids have been asking lots of questions in response to signs and protests they see regarding Black Lives Matters.  We are doing are best to have open conversations with the kids, reading books about black people and written by black people.  Recently we talked about supporting black-owned businesses.  We found Zuri's Donuts near our house and went to try them out.  The owner was the nicest man ever.  He was so patient with Ashton slowly choosing his donut and even gave the kids a free doughnut to sample.  We will definitely be back to Zuri's!

Grandma Finally Visits!

It was so great to FINALLY see my mom after many, many months.  The kids and I had so much fun having her here and taking her on a few small adventurers that are dog friendly with minimal people.  She ended up staying an extra night and the kids were thrilled!

Ashton Reading

I'm so proud of this guy!  He worked really hard this year and has become quite the good little reader!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Final Kinder Good Bye

Mrs. Spengler mailed Ashton a final goodbye package and of course I cried when I looked inside. There was a sweet note to Ashton, his first day of school self portrait, a photo of the two of them at the last day of school parade, a photo of the class, some stickers, and a few awards which she presented to the kids on their zoom graduation.  He was very excited to receive this sweet package.


Monday, July 6, 2020

4th of July

We had a low-key 4th of July this year.  The kids went on a hike with Jon then we spent some time with the Youngers and neighbors.

Life with a Puppy

Well it has been 1 month since we've had Bolty Bear and there have definitely been some ups and downs!  Colbie loves him so much (maybe too much sometimes) and can't wait to see him every morning.  Ashton says he'd rather we didn't get the dog (lol) but is actually starting to enjoy him and sneaks in little pets when puppy is calm or sleeping. 

Overall here are the ups:
He actually potty trained and crate trained pretty easily (from what I hear from other people).  It took just two weeks for both.  He is in his crate from 10pm-5:30am, and we don't take him out at night.
He is always so excited to see all of us, follows us around or waits by the door if the kids are outside or in their rooms.  He naps a lot.  He is pretty scared of everything, which is actually quite helpful.  He wont leave the yard (front or back) and is afraid of cars and water. We finally just got him to go up and down the stairs.  He knows how to sit and come.  His fluffy fur is pretty adorable.

and the downs:
Getting up at 5:30 once you finally have kids who sleep in really sucks!!!  He is definitely in the puppy biting stage and loves to nibble kids who run (which is how my kids get everywhere I now realize)!  This has been very challenging to conquer.  I feel pretty trapped to the house with having a puppy who isn't suppose to be in public yet.  He will not go for walks ( he either lays down or sprints around).

We weighed him today, he is already 17 pounds.