Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Carving Pumpkins

     They participated just long enough for me to snap a few pictures, but niether one of them helped clean out the pumpkins! 
Batman and Kitty (same as their costumes)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Canoeing at UW

This was so fun, we will definitely be back when the sunshine returns. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My Days with Ashy

I am loving my time with just one child and 2 has always been my favorite age.  This boy couldn't be better company.  He is so easy-going, never complains about where we are going or what we are doing, plays independently, and tells me he loves me constantly. 

We usually walk sissy to the bus in our pjs (with puppy and blankie).  When we return I enjoy a hot cup of coffee while sitting with him while he plays trains, puzzles, legos or button art.  He reads books on my bed while I shower, then we are off to run errands, enjoy story time or meet friends.  He is also still napping (although not for long).  

Yay for Kindergarten and an adorable 2 year old!