Monday, September 19, 2016

"I Love You Too" (Video)

Right after I sent Colbie to her room for being unkind to Ashton I caught them doing this.  They definitely have a love-hate relationship these days!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten

This was a very teary and emotional day for me.  How's my baby girl going to full day Kindergarten?  It's such a strange transition for both her and I; we have been together nearly all day every day for almost 5.5 years!  The one thing that made it easier for me, is knowing how very ready she is.

She begged me to take the bus the very first day.  So I met her at school (the teacher said we could come in the first day to take pics).  I didn't get there in time to get her off the bus.  She said "Don't worry Mom, I just asked the librarian to help me find my classroom."

She didn't need me, which makes me so sad and so proud all at the same time.

I am so grateful to send my baby girl to kindergarten knowing she is confident, makes friends easily, will always get her needs met, and loves to learn!

We love her so much and are so proud of the strong girl she has become.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Mary Kay Kindergarten Party

Beth and Charlotte invited Colbie and I over for Mary Kay facials the night before starting Kindergarten.  In was so fun to watch the girls giggle together.  The girls (and moms) really enjoyed a fun night together before starting as big Kindergarteners.

Thanks Beth for hosting and the pictures!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Kindergarten Family Connection Meeting

The Family Connection Meeting gives students and parents a chance to see the classroom, meet your child's teacher, and ask questions.  Colbie was very quiet, but enjoyed exploring the classroom with Ashton while Ms. Spengler and I talked.  We are both big fans of Ms. Spengler and Edmonds Elementary overall!

Kindergarten Here We Come!

The street that parents use to drop off their kids happens to be called "Colby Ave"


We were very excited to take the kids to Leavenworth this summer!  Jon and I have been a few times prior to kids and have always enjoyed the sunshine, river and relaxed atmosphere.  We were lucky to have Jon's parents come along.  Two extra helpers with the kids is always much appreciated!

Colbie LOVED the hour long horseback ride through the mountains on her horse Valentine, and we all enjoyed the peaceful tube ride down the river, the great weather, and all the beautiful water and mountain views.

Summer (Take 2)

Walking Scooter (the neighbor dog), Soccer Camp for Colbie, ice cream truck success, Jump Start to Kindergarten, Charlottes birthday, lots of zoo trips and sibling "fashion shows!