Wednesday, March 26, 2014

8 weeks

-A very happy baby, loves any attention he gets, very smiley
-Is a real talker, anytime you talk to him he smiles and babbles back
-Still likes his paci, baths, sister and being naked
-likes being swaddled and sleeps great at night (7-8 hour stretch)
-Starting to wear 6 month clothes, yikes! and size 2 diapers
-He's a grunter and spits up constantly
-Doesn't like laying against your chest which makes it difficult to snuggle:(  prefers to be facing out when held

Colbie loves her brother, recently she told me "Mom, Ashton's my best friend."

We often find Ashton "playing" with a baby or stuffed animal thanks to Colbie

Sibling toes

chubby cheeks, he may outweigh his sister very soon

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The joy of smiling has arrived!  Ashton started smiling at 5 weeks.  His smile continues to grow and be more expressive each week.

goofy smile


Monday, March 10, 2014


It's so fun to see our kids together.  Ryder and Colbie love each other so much, we cant wait to see the love yet to come with adding Wynn and Ashton into the mix!

Naked babies.  Wynn and Ashton

Ryder (4.5), Colbie (almost 3), Wynn (almost 1), Ashton (6 weeks)

Ashton's Visitors

Most of Ashton's visitors during the first month of his life (forgot to take pictures of a few).

Grandma Diane


Grandma Deb and Grandpa Paul


Jeff.  Playing doll house with Colbie and holding Ashton, our new babysitter:)


Charise and Brynn.  Finley came too.

Grandpa Mike and Grandma Joleen

Gloria.  She stayed with Colbie while we rushed to the hospital.

Auntie Cole