Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ashy Birthday Invitation

Ashy at 5

Ashy continues to be our sweet, kind, loving, snuggly boy!

-Has the best, super contagious giggle
-Loves the beach, exploring in the woods, going on hikes, wrestling with Dad, Transformers, Power Rangers, playing "good guys and bad guys", T.V., all sweets, and always wants a friend to play with
-Dislikes being rushed, transitions, and change
-He very happily lives in the moment and is content just staying home all day
-Becoming more opinionated, but still very chill and goes with the flow, flexible about most things
-Loves his sister and can't wait for her to get home from school each day
-Still unwilling to try sports but has been doing swimming for the past few months and is learning super quickly and loves it.  (As long as he doesn't have a substitute teacher or a male teacher).
-When he grows up he wants to be a Dad
-Can't believe my baby boy is headed to Kinder next year!

Love this kind hearted boy to pieces!