Thursday, May 28, 2015

16 Months

Ashton has learned so many words the past two months, its so amazing and fun to watch him try new words.  He went from saying a handful of words at 14 months to 20-25 words at 16 months.  A few of my favorite words are shoes and socks which he always says in a whisper voice, peeeese (please), ni-ni (night night) and eeeeeeat. And a few other things about Ashy at 16 months...

-Loves books, planes, balls, dinosaurs, animals, being outside, babies, flowers, the vacuum, bubbles, and his blankie (which he calls "baby")
-Enjoys putting things in and and out of buckets and taking lids on and off
-Is very easy going, likes new places/adventures, very happy smiley boy, and gives great hugs
-Favorite song: Wheels on the Bus, he loves doing all the motions
-Favorite foods: blueberries, yogurt, mac n cheese
-Can eat by himself with a spoon
-Still takes two naps, is an early riser, and almost always wakes up screaming
-When Colbies not around he constanly shrugs his shoulders and asks "sss-sss" (sissy)?
-They are starting to "play together" in Colbies room
- Loves throwing things away in the garbage and claps for himself after he does (often throws away things that are not garbage)
-does not like getting his diaper changed or messy hands
-Blows a kiss and says "mmmma" when I lay him in bed to sleep
-Becoming more picky with foods, has been sick often and is getting all four molars
-Loves to dance and attempts to sing along to music
-His hair keeps getting lighter and his eyes are getting darker

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cedar River Walks

We have been taking lots of walks along the Cedar River Trail which happens to pass through Boeing.  It's a beautiful walk along the water with a nice flat path for Colbie to ride her bike, we also see lots of wildlife and planes taking off (which Ashton loves).  This weekend we were lucky to be walking by when this plane crossed the path.


Our first zoo trip of the summer was a huge success, both kids could have stayed all day!

These Two

Friday, May 22, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Mothers Day

Mothers Day was just perfect.  A day filled with sleeping in, Starbucks, mother-daughter pedis, family time, homemade gifts, Thai Food and strawberry martinis (Colbie's is alcohol free).