Saturday, June 20, 2020

Last Day of School and Phase 2!

This was a great week!!  We have entered Phase 2 and the school year FINALLY ended!!!

Virtual learning was quite intense for the kids, parents and teachers!  I am proud of my kids for sticking it our until the end (or pretty close to)!  They worked very hard, learned new things about themselves and are so ready for summer!

Ashton had a graduation over Zoom, which gave me all the emotions.  He doesn't say much or show much emotion but he is pretty stoked to call himself a 1st grader!  He received the "Crab Award" for finishing math facts in a snap!

We celebrated with friends on a very secluded beach (still pushing the rules of phase 2) but it was so fun and great to see the kids together again.  They were truly so happy!

Plans for the next school year aren't set for sure yet, but I REALLY hope they go back to school (even if they have to wear masks, have shorter days, part days, etc.) 

I love how he is rubbing the tassel on his lips in this video, he often rubs soft things on his lips, especially his blankie.


Last week we got a puppy!!  It happened very quickly and I still can't believe I agreed to it.  Of course Colbie is soooooo happy.  Ash is still a little unsure and not a fan of the puppy biting.  Some real ups and downs for sure!  He is so cute and fluffy and loves everyone he meets.  Potty training and sleeping have definitely been challenging especially while Jon and I were both working.  We just felt there was no time better than now.  I am now off for the summer and Jon will be working from home most likely through the end of the year.

Meet Bolt (we call him Bolty Bear)



Sunday, June 14, 2020

Quarantine Week 12 and 13

During week 12 we had our house re-piped.  We had no water for 4 days.  We planned to go away for a few days and stayed at this cute house on a lake on Whidbey island.  It was so nice to get away and have a change of scenery.  The re-pipe wasn't quite done so it was a rough few days when we returned.  But we are hoping we are finally done with water leaks!
The past two weeks with work and school have gone well.  The kids have both settled into their classrooms and the new routine of school with me then virtual learning.  We are, however, VERY excited to only have one more week of school left.  We also got the okay for Phase 2 which we are very excited about!