Sunday, April 28, 2013


I'm in love with Instacollage, and the weather has been amazing, which makes the pictures even better!

drawing with chalk

helping mom wash the car
Park with Charlotte

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monsters Inc. Birthday Party

Other than not feeling well (she woke up from nap with a cold, sorry guests) and doing a terrible job sharing her toys, Colbie LOVED her Monsters Inc. Birthday Party.  She kept pointing to all the decorations and saying "wow mommy, look at this" and "Happy Birthday to Colbie!"  She could have cared less about the cupcake, but loved all her gifts, the birthday song and candles, her party hat, the Monsters Inc. decorations, and was so excited (in theory) to have all her friends come over to play at the same time. 

Way too many pictures, sorry! 
Starting with decorations and ending with many photos of the adorable birthday girl.
Birthday hats and books for the guests

Wall and window decals



Cousins: Ryder and Colbie

Birthday Girl

Charlotte enjoying the party

The adorable guests: Finn, Indi, Colbie, Charlotte, Des, Brody, Reese, Nora

Hanging out with Grandma

True Party Girl!  Loved her gift from Gloria (new shades, Dora phone and sparkly purse)


Backpack from Grandma

and kisses for Sully



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I 'm so sad Colbie is turning two and is now a "big girl" but I'm so grateful for her health, happiness and the amazing amount of joy she brings into our lives. 
Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Angel!

-Talks constantly, also sings often, favorite songs are "Twinkle Star, ABC's, Rock a baby, Tick Tock, O McDonald." And recently busts out singing "This Girl is on Fire" (by Alicia Keys).
-Knows most colors and basic shapes.  Started recognizing numbers and letters.  Knows D for Daddy, C for Colbie and M for Mommy.  Can count to 10.
-Loves school, pretending to drive the car, bike rides, animals, singing/dancing, reading, puzzles, babies, all things girly, Dora, Hello Kitty, and Monsters Inc.
-Very interested in the potty but has had no success yet.  Enjoys wearing multiple pairs of panties around the house (usually on top of her clothes and even around her neck)
-Interested in getting herself dressed and undressed, but needs a little help.
-Hates getting her diaper changed, getting her hair washed and the wind.
-Continues to be a picky, light eater. 
-Much better at playing independently, but still asks me to do everything with her.  Follows directions pretty well and gets very emotional when told NO or gets in trouble
-Is very interested and aware of feelings, especially when babies are crying/sad.
-Amazes us daily with the funny things she says.  A few of my recent favorites.
"Mommy you're my best friend ever, and daddy too." 
"Daddy works at Amazon, Colbie too, Mommy works at home."
"It's almost my Monsters inc. party (then sings) Happy Birthday to Colbie."

2 Year Stats:
Height: 33.5 inches (51%)
Weight: 25 pounds (24%)
Head: 18.25 inches (21%)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vancouver Birthday Party

While we were in town meeting baby Wynn, I decided to throw together a little birthday party for Colbie (so family and friends do not have to travel to Seattle for her party).  I let Colbie pick out everything.  She choose doggie balloons, Minnie Mouse plates and napkins, hot pink cupcakes with hot pink sprinkles and wore her pink tutu, she was in heaven!
Wearing Auntie Cole's sunglasses:)

Silly Girl

The weather was amazing, a little windy in this pic.

Daddy and his little princess

Kisses for Mommy

Loving the pink frosting

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


We spent Easter in Vancouver at my Moms house.  Colbie had a great time playing outside in the amazing weather, getting to enjoy a few candy filled eggs, receiving many Easter baskets and LOVED the Easter Egg Hunt.  Jon and I have spent much time hiding eggs around the house the past few days.

Hunting eggs with Cousin Ryder

Showing off all her eggs


Baby Wynn

Wynn Marie Olson born March 23rd, weighing 5.13 and 18 inches long.  After a very rough delivery and arriving nearly four weeks early, we are very happy Nichole and Wynn are home and healthy.  Colbie and I both loved meeting and snuggling this tiny baby!