Thursday, January 31, 2013

Forward facing car seat

Colbie threw up in her car seat as we reached school on Monday (it's an hour drive).  For the past three weeks she has been complaining that her tummy hurts when in the car.   So after hours of cleaning the car seat I decided to put it back in the car facing the front (a few months early).  Also my mom informed me that I got car sick starting at 18 months.  She hasn't complained of a tummy ache since we turned it around and of course we are both much happier!!

Talking on the phone and putting on lipstick :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Colbie had her first real doughnut (Top Pot Doughnuts) and of course she picked a chocolate one with sprinkles.  She only ate about five bites, I happily ate the rest, but she still thought it was pretty fun!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sunny Winter Days

We have had a few sunny days recently so I took advantage of the natural light and took some fun photos of Colbie inside.  She is looking so grown up and loves being naked!
look at that bod:)

Loves having as many clips in her hair as possible!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Favorite Activities (21 months)

Colbie has found some new favorite activities.  She still loves her babies, but its been fun to see her interested in other things as well.

She is recently obsessed with Monsters Inc., we have only let her watch parts of it a few times, but she carries around the DVD, knows all their names and reads her new "Sully-Mike" book constantly.   

In the morning she puts on her purse and says "Mommy I go work, in Daddy's car."  She takes her purse with her most places.

She loves playing with/hiding in her stuffed animals and also enjoys having a Coffee Party (no one drinks tea in our house) with her babies and animals.

She also likes markers.  Mostly taking the lids on and off.  She has also started counting, which shocked me.

This is how many pictures turn out these days.  She wants to see the picture before I can take it.
Thanks to the Younger family, she has been spending much time on this rocking horse (we are borrowing it).  It was made with lots of love by Bethany's Grandpa and Colbie LOVES it.  Thanks Gramps!