Thursday, October 31, 2013

28 Weeks Photo Shoot

Third and final trimester which I'm very excited about!  Although I really can not complain about my pregnancy, it has definitely been less fun than my first.  I'm having trouble sleeping and many more aches and pains than I remember.  I'm starting to get a bit nervous about the delivery (especially when it will occur) but I'm very excited to meet this little man and have Colbie hold him for the first time!

I was not excited about doing belly pics, I feel pretty large and frumpy these days, but I had some encouragement (thanks Beth) and I'm glad I did it.  Jon took them in our backyard, so nothing fancy.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Class Field Trip

We went to Fairbank Farms Pumpkin Patch with Colbies class again this year and it was great!  What a difference a year makes.  Last year the kids were tripping over their boots, falling in the mud, and could care less about the tour (other than petting the goats).  This year Colbie was interested in everything they had to say on the tour, carried around a piece of mint smelling it and sharing it with friends, and sat intently watching the one day old piglets telling me "they just came out of their moms belly yesterday, they are so cute and tiny, and they're drinking milk from their mommy."  She was also interested in a different pig she saw peeing and kept asking why it didn't have a potty.  It was so fun to see her taking in so much information and getting to spend time with her friends and teachers outside of school. 
Colbie and Charlotte waiting to head into the farm

Posing with Teacher Laura


Petting the goats with Adrian.  She is saying "baaa"

Picking out a pumpkin

Class photo, perfection:) Only about half her class made it:  Schooner, Kai, Colbie, Indi, Saif, Charlotte

Carrying pumpkins with Indi

One day old piglets, adorable!

Thanks Beth for taking this pic!  Me and my sweet girl:)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall Phone Pictures

Naked finger painting

She loves baby Nina

I drew the head and hair, Colbie put on the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin

Collecting leaves at Coulon

Feeding the ducks at Coulon

Sick girl napping on the couch

Park play date with Charlotte

American Idol Contestant

Okay so she definitely will not be on American Idol (think she got my singing voice) but she sure is cute!  She makes up her own songs often these days.  I see many more performances in our future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Colbie's 2.5

A little about our sweetheart at age 2.5

-Has entered the "why?" stage, which is not my favorite!
-Her language amazes me, you can easily hold a conversation with her and she often talks for her babies.  Her imaginary play has really taken off, which allows her to play independently more often.
-Loves any kind of circle/story time, it's the only time she has a long attention span.
-Loves any new outing/adventure, its so fun to see her reaction to new things.
-She vomits about once a month for no known reason, has become a better eater, and is still doing great in her big girl bed.
-Loves school, wants a friend to play with all the time, loves playing doll house, babies, pretending to do dishes, reading books, singing songs, learning letters, being a princess or ballerina, playing trains.
-Does not like: getting dirty, being cold, Daddy work days, or playing by herself.
-Is in underwear all day (even at nap) and has only had one accident since we started potty training, but still asks for a pull up to poop, we're working on this!
-Starting to make recognizable drawings and can spell her name correctly on occasion.
-Finds a friend at every park/play area.  She goes around saying "hi, what's your name?"
-Has discovered the Princesses and loves them dearly.
-Can't wait for baby boy to come out and play.

Height: 36 inches
Weight: 26 pounds

Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

Don't let this face fool you, she wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin guts

This is how she really felt "oh my it's so messy!"

She was very clear that she wanted her pumpkin "to be happy, with a smiley face"

She loved the finished product, thanks Daddy!  She wants to light the pumpkin all the time and keep it in the house with her.

Kisses for pumpkin

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

The weather was great this weekend so we headed to the Pumpkin Patch.  Despite the sunshine, it was still super muddy.  Colbie and I were glad we wore our rain boots!  Jon ruined his shoes while rescuing Colbie.  She got stuck in the mud, lost her boot, and panicked.  She rode on the wagon for the remainder of the walk through the pumpkin patch.  We went on a hay ride, pet some farm animals, and picked out two pumpkins.  It was super fun.

This tiny pumpkin is the one Colbie picked out, she's very proud of her pumpkin and takes it everywhere

Have I mentioned she's a Daddy's girl lately:)