Wednesday, December 30, 2015

White/Ryan Christmas

We headed to Vancouver a few days before Christmas.  We spent the night at my sisters house on Christmas Eve so the kids could all wake up and open Santa gifts together, it was so fun!  The kids had a blast the entire time we were in Vancouver. They received way too many gifts, ate lots of sugar, decorated a gingerbread house with Grandma, played outside in the freezing cold for hours, and hardly slept at all!  What's not to love?

Our Christmas

We had a low key Christmas with just the four of us, which included a Christmas Concerts by The Coats (Jon knows one of the singers) at Ben Royal Hall, opening gifts, and watching Rudolf.

Annett Christmas

We were very lucky to have the Annett Christmas at our house this year (no traveling for us, yippee)!  I finally got to meet baby Elijah who is absolutely adorable!  We are so grateful they made the trip, especially with a little one.  It was super fun to show Jon's family our new house and to spend a long weekend together.

Preschool Christmas Pageant

This was totally adorable and surprisingly emotional for me.  Colbie did great, I was so proud of her. She had only attended her new school for one week prior to the pageant, but really wanted to participate. She sang her heart out and was front and center!  I love her adventurous, confident personality.