Saturday, July 27, 2019

Jetty Island

The kids and I ventured to Jetty Island and it was so much fun!  The weather and beach were beautiful!  The kids loved playing in the soft, rock-free sand, and wading in the shallow, warm water.  It was quite windy so we saw lots of kites and people kite surfing.  The tiny ferry was so cute and the kids loved sitting up top. 


Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Simba Bunny

This little bunny was so sweet and so good with the kids.  His name is Simba, he has a mane of fluffy hair all around his face, and is so cute.  We enjoyed having him for three days, especially Colbie!  She is such an animal lover.  Both kids had a sleepover with the bunny in their rooms and couldn't wait to play with him each day.  He put up with many kisses, snuggles, constant holding, and of course being held high in the air while singing the Lion King song.

Golden Gardens

Thursday, July 18, 2019