Sunday, May 31, 2020

Quaratine Week 11

We are pretty exhausted after a week back to work/school.  Getting up early was rough and we aren't used to all the socializing (ha)!  Overall it went well.  Colbie is LOVING it; she instantly made a friend (another staff kid) and she is so happy to be around another girl her age.  She was in the Spanish class, she loved learning Spanish and all the art/projects they did.  Ash was in my class (he isn't the best listener) but did well.  He'd rather stay home but seems happy playing with other kids once he's there.  It was so great to see some of my kids from class (I currently have just 6 kids in my class, including Ashton) and be back in the classroom and around coworkers.

Now for the negatives.... Wearing a mask for 5 straight hours is no joke!  I wear a plexi-glass shield during circle so kids can see and hear me better...not sure which is worse.  The constant sanitizing and hand washing is pretty brutal also.  All kids and staff must get their temperature taken before entering the building.  No parents are allowed to enter, so staff get them from their cars and bring them inside.  It is definitely feels very different, but still feels good to leave the house and see other people again.  Doing school work once we get home around 1pm was definitely challenging.....  we are all pretty burnt out by then.  I'm hoping this coming week is better.  The kids stayed home with Jon on Friday which was great for me!!

We did enjoy a beach meet-up with the Youngers, an ice cream to-go treat, and making our own Pokémon cards this weekend.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Quarantine Week 10

This weekend we headed to Vancouver to my sisters house!  We are not following Phase 1 rules and we didn't even attempt to stay 6 feet apart, and it was AMAZING!!  Jon stayed home to get some work and projects around the house done, so the kids and I went solo.  It was so fun!!!  It felt so great to get out of the house and see family.  We surprised all four kids and they were absolutely thrilled to finally get to see each other.  We had a little carnival in the back yard, celebrated both girls birthdays (late), went on a bike ride all together, explored in the field near their house and enjoyed the sunshine!  The only sad part was leaving (the kids cried) and that my mom was out of town so we didn't get to see her. 
It was a much needed adventure before the kids and I tackle going back to work!  I start work tomorrow with 5 kids enrolled in my class and my own kids will be joining me as well.  I definitely feel anxious about the germs we may be in contact with, but am also very excited to see my kids from class again and my amazing co-workers!  Nichole is also heading back to work with patients and Wynn will be heading to daycare soon so we thought now was the best (and healthiest) time for us to get together!!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Quarantine Week 9

This week has been a rough one for us.  I start work tomorrow and I really have no idea what to expect. Jon found out he has the option (possibly mandatory) to work from home thorough the end of the year (Dec 31).  He is really struggling this week and is feeling very trapped in his office downstairs. 

The kids did well with school this week and have settled into the new routine well.  We had caterpillars turn into butterflies this week which was fun.  The kids have also really gotten back into Pokémon and have been doing their own type of "Battles."

We are all trying to wrap our heads around this "new normal" and processing that this could last a very, very long time.  A few things that have become "normal" lately include.....

-Not finding toilet paper or any cleaning supplies at the grocery store or on Amazon (definitely no hand sanitizer)
-Amazon Prime is only available for essential items, other things are taking much longer to ship/arrive
-Long lines just to get into the grocery store
-Most people are wearing masks any time they leave their house
-Plexi glass has been install anywhere you must interact with people (grocery store clerks, take-out at restaurants, etc.)
-Standing markers have been placed on the floors 6 feet apart while waiting in line and store aisles are now one-way
-People are having Happy Hour, Baby Showers and even Weddings over Zoom

It truly is a crazy way of life we are currently living!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Quarantine Week 8

I found out this week that my preschool will be opening at the end of the month.  This has definitely caused me some anxiety.  There are so many unknowns, which is difficult for me.  I miss the kids in my class so much and would love to go back to work in normal circumstances.  But the new Health and Safety rules we must abide by our very intense and honestly depressing.  Of course the other concern is what to do with my kids.  I'm hoping to find out more details soon and wrap my brain around a plan for May/June.
The kids, however, had a great week.  They got along well, and really do love snuggling each morning (Colbie more than Ashy).  We went to Meadowdale Beach one day with Stephen and it almost seemed like a normal day.  They swam in the ocean (a first for my kids) and had so much fun.  I also had a great Mothers Day and am so thankful for my family!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quarantine Week 7

This week we had some sunshine and the kids really enjoyed running through the sprinkler and having a water balloon fight with the neighbors.  They have also spent lots of time playing chess; Ashton learned surprisingly quick and is doing great.

I want to document/remember what are days look like during this quarantine so here's how our days usually go:

Jon still wakes up around 5 and heads downstairs where he now works out, showers and works. 
Ashton and I get up around 7:30/8:00, Colbie gets up closer to 9.  We usually see Jon briefly around this time when he grabs breakfast and coffee.
Kids start school at 9:30, Colbie has a Zoom meeting or lesson everyday and 9:30 then usually does some sort of reading, writing (typing) and math.  She has become fairly independent now that we have learned all the programs and log-ins. She is usually done with school around 11:30/12.
Ashton has zoom meetings 3 times per week and a reading group on Fridays.  He needs me to help maneuver him through most online stuff, but is picking it up quickly for a 6 year old.  He enjoys the math games, watching information videos and getting to record his voice.  He is not a fan of writing anything.  His work takes him about 1.5-2 hours.  He reads for 15 min each day and it has been actually so fun to watch him grow in reading over the past 6 months. 
I have zooms with my class on Wednesday mornings, Zoom meetings with my boss/coworkers on Mondays and Thursdays (we have started running a virtual preschool) and Live preschool on Fridays.
Around noon I usually go for a 30 min jog while the kids play games on their ipads.  Then I shower, we get dressed (most days) and have lunch.  So usually around 2pm we are ready for some fun. 
We go on daily walks and bike rides and thankfully the kids have been playing with the neighbors on good weather days. 
Jon is usually done working between 5 and 6.  He eats dinner with us a few times per week, which has never happened before!  Then we enjoy our "social lives"  I zoom with my college friends on Mondays and my family on Wednesdays.  He has a call with Dave every Tuesday.  Kids watch TV from 7:30-8:30 then head to bed.

Overall we are doing well and settling into life with the four of us always being together.  We have realized that we are so thankful for a house we love, good neighbors and neighborhood, the weather being mostly sunny, and staying healthy.  Jon and I have actually grown closer and so have Colbie and Ashton.  We truly miss our family and friends but are trying to see the positives!