Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pastries with Parents

Ashton's school puts on "Pastries with Parents" each year and it is so cute!  It's meant to be a combined Mother's and Fathers Day celebration.  They provide snacks, sing songs, give us a gift.  I was so proud of Ash for participating, he was super nervous and hates being the center of attention.  He did great!


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Mother's Day

A perfect day... pancakes, pedis and dinner with the girls!


Glimpse of Summer

We had a few warm days and it was so nice.  Pool time, days at the beach and late bedtimes.  We are ready for summer!

Soccer Twins

These two have the same jersey color and team name this year (Green Dragons) which I think is pretty cute!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Colbie turns 8

Our spunky, opinionated, strong-willed daughter is growing into an intelligent, helpful, curious, compassionate, young lady. 

-Favorites: yellow (color), TV, soccer, ice cream, playing with friends, new adventures, art, the beach, and animals (especially dogs)
-Dislikes: She has serious FOMO; hates missing out on anything, and loosing (she's competitive)
-She really has a GREAT time doing most things and always sees the positive in things
-She can't wait to grow up each year, but still loves her blankie and Mommy and Daddy kisses
-She gets along easily with all types/ages of kids, does well in school, and loves being on a team
-Recently she feels strongly about helping save the environment and has implemented some changes at our house and did a beach clean up
-She is passionate, driven, brave and confident. 

We are so proud of her and can't wait to see what the future holds!  We believe it will be something BIG.

Height: 50.5 inches (55%)
Weight: 50 pounds (20%)
BMI: 13%

Her photo shoot sums up her sporty-spice personality.  She didn't want to get fancy this year, she just wanted me to take pictures as she played around in the backyard.