Thursday, November 17, 2016

Colbie's Wonderful Week

Each kid in Colbie's class gets a "Wonderful Week."   This week was Colbie's special week, which included being the line leader, the teachers special helper, a fabulous chair to sit in, getting to bring a display and describe 10 special pictures and bringing other special items from home.

Mrs. Spengler also welcomes the family to come in and the child interviews someone.  Colbie interviewed Jon.  Grandma Deb came from Minnesota to join us.  The entire thing was so cute and special.  Colbie loved having us all there and getting to call-on her classmates for questions about herself and her Daddy.  They also sang her a "You're Wonderful" song.  I may have got a bit teary.....

I'm so thankful for my WONDERFUL girl and a teacher who really goes above and beyond for her students.

Colbie also got to bring a special stuffed animal home for the week.  Francesca the Frog comes with a bag full of clothes/accessories and books.  Total win!

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