Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ashton 2.5

-Loves anything outside (especially riding bikes and yard work), tools, TV, "working" with Daddy, reading books, trucks, and the neighbor dogs
-Pretty Independent, plays well alone, especially while outside
-Easy going personality, little unsure in new situations, kind of a mamas boy, loves playing with older boys
-He's super sweet and caring, sensitive, adores his sister, is an awesome snuggler,  says the cutest things: whispers "I love you" calls things "beautiful" and when surprised yells "oh my Gosh!"
-Other things we hear often that aren't so cute: no, why, huh or what?
-Dislikes: bath, eating, coming inside
-Looking like such a big boy, starting to loose his chubbiness, doing awesome in his big boy bed
-Falls asleep around 8pm, wakes about 6/6:30 and naps about 1.5 hours
-Knows all his shapes and colors, starting to recognize letters, can draw "little guys," not at all interested in potty training

Is about the most adorable kid ever (in my eyes) and truly has my heart.  I couldn't love him more!

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