-All girl! Loves her baby, bows, pony tails, all jewelry, and is obsessed with shoes (mine and hers).
-Can't get enough climbing and outside time.
-Talks constantly. Real and made up words. She now calls me mommeee instead of mama which I love. Does a very funny rooster sound. Jon loves how she says baby "bobbi." Constantly asks "What's that"? Loves pointing to and saying "eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, hair, toes and her new favorite...belly". Says "two" when she has more than one of something.
-Still loves reading, baths, walks, bike rides and other kids, especially babies lately.
-Enjoys sirens, buses, and trucks, also adores the UPS and Garbage Man, what kid doesn't?
-In a faze (hopefully a faze) where every time I'm not giving her my complete attention (drying my hair, doing dishes, running downstairs) she sobs, tears and all. School starts this week thank goodness!
-Has become quite attached to her blankets and for the most part likes going "ni-night" so she can get a hold of her blankets and paci, which stay in her crib.
-Wants to do everything herself: open the car and front door, blow bubbles, clean her face and highchair tray, tighten her car seat. The list is endless!
-Gives the best kisses, it's my favorite thing by far about this little lady right now! Usually I have to ask for one, but once and a while she leans in all on her own. She gives me a kiss, pats my back saying "pat, pat, pat" then tilts her head and says aaaahhhh.
Love this girl to pieces!!
Pony Tail |
Blowing bubbles |
Unzipping jacket |
Goofy girl |
Loves corn on the cob |
Waving to the Garbage Man |
Climbed to the top of the tugboat at Bellesquare Play Place |
Throwing Rocks in the water |
Talking on the phone (monitor) |
Bow check, yep still there! |
Reading with Daddy |
She loves getting into boxes and baskets |
She's getting to be so fun! Such a cute and sweet little girl. Can't wait to see you guys again so I can get some kisses too! Miss you!