Saturday, January 25, 2025

Ashton Turns 11

This guy is very anti photos, but I managed to snag a few of him and his friends during his pool/video game party.  He continues to love to read and game.  Both board games and video games.  He is playing basketball and flag football again this year.  His newest love is his leopard gecko which he named "Happy" that he got for Christmas.  He also enjoys being goofy with his friends, Anime, Manga, and anything involving sugar!  He has a super kind heart and very chill misdemeanor.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Tiny Tim

Our second foster kitty was tiny but feisty!  Weighing only 1.25 pounds when we got him at 6 weeks old.  He was a stray but quickly got comfortable with us and Bolt.  Not much of a snuggler but lots of energy and very entertaining with his constant somersaults while playing.