Sunday, January 28, 2024

Ashton's 10th Birthday Party

 Ash had his birthday party at Another Castle.  Then the boys came back to our house for pizza, doughnuts and more video games.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ashton Turns 10

Ashton has reached double digits!  He continues to have a love for reading, obsession for video games, and enjoys being with friends.  He is a homebody and is content just being home relaxing on the weekends.  He also likes playing chess and other board games, has a silly personality (loves joke books) and has an amazing memory for animal facts.  Things he doesn't like: having his picture taken, being rushed and homework!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Meadowdale M.S. Soccer

Colbie made the Middle School Soccer team and had so much fun.  There were some amazing players on her team and they tied for 1st place.