Saturday, March 20, 2021

Covid Update


For the first time in a year things feel hopeful again.  I am so happy and so relieved.  It has been a very busy month (new nanny, dog fixed, rat problem, work struggles, fights over online learning and more) but a great month for change!  Covid numbers are way down, the vaccines are being distributed much more quickly, they announced teachers and childcare workers were eligible for the vaccine ( I got my first dose!!) and both kids will be going to school in-person two days a week!  Ash will start March 29th and Colbie will start April 12th.  We are so grateful both kids are getting the chance to go back.  Originally they announce 3rd grade and older would not be going back at all this school year.  The kids are very excited to see other kids and be back in their school building.  Ashton is keeping his teacher, Mr. Ochoa, which we are thrilled about.  We are still waiting to hear about Colbie's teacher.  Colbie has had to grow up so much this year (typing all assignments, figuring out so much tech, staying on task solo, watching the clock and making it to all her zooms). She has had to be so independent as she is on her own 3 days a week.  She has truly risen to the occasion and handled it all so well, but I know she is lonely at home much of the time.  Going to school is going to be life changing for her and I am so glad.  I'm so proud of how she has handled this long year.

Trip to Vancouver

We finally planned a trip to Vancouver!  We haven't seen most of my family since August so we were all very excited to see them and get out of our house.  We celebrated Christmas and birthdays for Ashy, Colbie and Wynn.  It was a party all weekend and it was so rejuvenating for us all.  Also a great break from the dog and work.  It was sad to leave, but hopefully another trip will happened much sooner that 8 months! 

Valentine Day and Snow Day!

It was so great to have a three day weekend of snow over Presidents Day.  It was super magical and so good for all of us to have a new, beautiful scene and a new activity.  We got about a foot of snow, it was so much!  The kids and dog had a blast and played outside all day long.