Sunday, May 28, 2017

Buzz Cut

Jon begged me last summer to buzz Ashy's hair.  I said no, but promised he could do it this summer.  I'm not so sure what I think of it (Colbie almost cried).....  Ashy likes it because he "looks like Daddy and Ryder".

Bye-Bye Baby Teeth

Colbie has reached the loose tooth faze and I want to remember these cute little teeth before they go!  She is VERY excited since every one of her friends has already lost teeth.  I am not so excited.

Little Counter

Ashton is really into counting lately and counts everything!  He also really enjoys playing board games.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mommy-Daughter Denver Trip

Colbie and I had so much fun on our trip to Denver!  She was a great travel partner.  She was very patient at the airport (we waited in lots of lines), handled being up at 3:30am like a champ, and loved all her screen time on the plane!  It was nice to have some time with just my girl.
It was also great to see Tamia and visit Denver for the first time.  The mountains are beautiful and her house is gorgeous.  It was so great to catch up and meet her newest family member Cohen (Colbie and I were both obsessed with him).  Colbie and Kinsley played great together.  We went to this awesome farm, took a train to downtown for ice cream, enjoyed yummy food and great company.  The girls were so sad our time together had to end (including the adult girls).

Mothers Day

My mom always says "I love you boo boo bear"
Best memory "she likes to go to the beach"