Thursday, November 26, 2015

Ashy 22 Months

-Finally knows his real name.  Responds to Ashton, Ashy and Bubba.
-He can now drink from an open cup, is getting better at colors, and is learning how to count. He has successfully counted to 13 a few times, but most often says 1,2,1!
-Absolutely LOVES books, spends most of his day "reading."  Prefers we read to him, but also reads independently very well.
-Has started asking to sit on the "povy" (potty).  He is not even close to potty training.  He calls the t.p. "napkin" and wipes his face before wiping elsewhere.  But it makes him so happy, so we let him sit from time to time.
-He talks constantly, plays well independently (unlike his sister), and is still a good snuggler.
-Loves: Books, Legos, dancing/singing (we often hear him in the car say "louder please"), animals, Sheriff Callie and Mickey Mouse.
-Has seen Santa once and is already saying "No Santa Lap"!
-Whenever he doesn't know what your asking him he responds "yellow."
-Often gives the furrowed brow look and can be a bit of a trouble maker.
-He is constantly making Jon, Colbie and I laugh.  He has such a fun, silly, lovable personality.

He's our big, blonde, adorable, hilarious, baby boy who can't possibly be almost two!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A boy and his books

These are Ashton's two favorite books, he brings them to us to read all day long!

He has learned a lot about vehicles and animals from these books.

Silly Siblings

Saturday, November 7, 2015


It has been a long three months, but we have officially sold our house in Renton!  The last few months have been very stressful, anxiety producing, shown my not-so-good parenting skills and been a lot of hard work (packing up half of what we own, cleaning, fireplace updates, and lots of yard work).  Selling a house with small children is no joke!  I'm so happy to not have our house spotless all the time!

It's no secret that this house has never been my favorite, so I'm surprised at how emotional I am about leaving it.  It's where Jon and I have spent our entire marriage and where we brought home our two tiny babies.  It's where we became a family.  Jon especially has put so much work and time into this house to make it a real home and its clear that he did a great job of that!  This house has been a true labor of love.

In this home we survived two floods, terrible renters, 8 years with no dishwasher, and A LOT of home remodel projects. Including: redoing the downstairs bathroom, painted every wall (inside and out), refinished the hardwood floors, put new carpet in (twice), painted both fireplaces, painted the kitchen, added tile floor in the entry, both kitchens (upstairs and down) and dining room, filled in the swimming pool, sheet rocked the family room and all ceilings upstairs.

Pictures from Redfin

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Happy Halloween from Sheriff Callie and Deputy Peck (Disney Jr, show)!  Colbie was super excited all day.  She couldn't wait to put on her costume and get lots of candy.  She was not disappointed, we even ran into Elsa and Anna!  We went trick or treating at The Landing and then just a few houses in our neighborhood (because it started pouring).  I thought Ashton would hate his costume, refuse to wear it, and want to eat every candy he received.  I was partially correct, he wanted to eat every piece of candy.  He had candy in one hand and his bucket in the other the entire time.  But he loved his costume (especially the boots which we borrowed from Henry) and LOVED trick or treating.  He wanted to walk the whole time like Sissy, said "thank you" each time and even started saying "trick or treat" by the end.  He was so cute, I really love this age!

Fall Fun

Just a Fall day at Coloun Park...


Lately Ashton LOVES Legos/Duplos.  As Colbie says "he is totally A-sessed" (obsessed).  And Colbie is very into art and cutting.  Both quiet and mostly independent activities, which is a win for me!