Thursday, August 28, 2014

Peaceful Sleeper

Have I mentioned this guys sleep schedule is a disaster??  Poor guy fell asleep in his jumper at 5pm, he wasn't even crying.  He just dozed off while playing.

7 Months

At 7 months Ashy continues to be a happy, smiley, giggly, and of course a very chubby baby boy!

-He likes being outside, going on outings, playing with balls, music, riding in the shopping cart, sitting and playing with toys (putting them in his mouth) and pulling Colbie's hair.
-He is super close to crawling
-Has figured out how to bang toys together
-Loves to eat anything, but his digestive system has a hard time keeping up
-Started stranger anxiety.  Smiles away at anyone who talks to him but don't try to pick him up!
-Diaper changes are a real challenge.  He quickly roles over onto his tummy and tries to crawl away
-After two weeks of unsuccessful sleep training (crying it out), he continues to wake between 4:30-5:30 every morning, only goes back to sleep in our bed, and has inconistent, short naps.
-Spit up is finally improving

We adore this baby boy and his amazing cheeks!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Best Big Sis

Colbie always wants Ashton to "play with her" or asks "can I watch Ashy?" while I take a shower.  Today I said yes and hoped for the best.  He was very well entertained. She added about 30 toys to his exersaucer to keep him happy.  It worked.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Quiet Time

We have officially ended nap time and started quiet time.  And although Colbie's room looks like this after quiet time, overall its going great.  She plays quietly in her room for one hour until I go in and get her.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Good Bye EEU

Colbie has grown up so much while attending the Experimental Education Unit.  It has been such an amazing experience for both of us.  I am so grateful that her first school was with fabulous teachers, students from diverse backgrounds, and her very best friends.  We are sad to say good bye to this community, but happy to say good bye to the hour long commute.

Colbie on her first day at the EEU (age 1) and her last day (age 3).

Double Stroller

We have a real double stroller, but both kids prefer this method:)  And so do I since this stoller is much lighter and smaller.