Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fab Four

Big sister and little brothers.

6 Months

-Loves his sister, baths, eating, rides in the car, outings, being held and tickled
-Has the best chunky thighs, chubby cheeks and fuzzy blond hair
-Wears size 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers
-His sleeping has not improved since 2 months.  His bedtime is at 7pm, he wakes to eat once at night, the time varies drastically.  He usually wakes again around 5 and we can only get him back to sleep in our bed, then wakes for the day around 6:30.  Takes 3 naps a day, each lasts exactly 30 minutes.  Eats every 3-4 hours.
-Still spits up a lot, and is pretty crabby the last hour or two each night
-Can sit up with little help, starting to scoot around on his belly and get into the crawling position
-Starting to look like baby pictures of Colbie
-Only uses the paci to fall asleep

Height: 27 inches, 60%
Weight: 18 pounds 9 ounces, 70%
Head: 17.25 Inches, 65%

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Morning Snuggles

This is my favorite part of the day.  Colbie always wants Ashton to snuggle in her bed before getting up for the day.  Melts my heart.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


These two are so happy to be in Little Huskies Summer Camp together (or Disneyland as Charlotte calls it).

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 4th

We spent July 4th in Vancouver.  It was the first time Colbie has seen fireworks.  She was a little fearful (which I liked) but had such a fun time.  She got to stay up late, eat lots of junk food, and watch fireworks with some of her favorite people.  It brought back some great memories for me as well.  My moms neighborhood has been getting together on the 4th since I was a kid and in Vancouver you can light off your own fireworks, so fun!


Colbie helping Wynn put her sandal back on

Watching Fireworks