Monday, January 27, 2014

Welcome Baby Ashton!

Baby Ashton finally arrived on Friday January 24th at 834am.  Our chunky monkey weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces, was 20inches long and has the sweetest face ever.  The three of us are totally in love with our new little man.  Other than Daddy's dimple chin we don't see much of Jon, Colbie or myself in this guy yet.  Birth story and more pictures coming soon.....

Meeting our sweet boy

Bath time

He did not like his bath

Meeting big sister Colbie

Kisses for baby brother

Giving Ashton his Lion (she makes sure he has this lion at all times)

Meeting Grandma

hugs for brother

kisses for brother

Snuggles with Daddy

Snuggles with Mommy

Chunky baby boy

Heading home from the hospital

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Colbie Sayings

I'm feeling a bit sentimental (and hormonal) these days and wanted to remember a few cute and funny sayings from Colbie.

-She often calls others "sweetie, sweetheart, and honey".
-She names everything "Grunya" if its a girl.
-She LOVES Legos but will only use the tiny square pieces.  Everything she builds is for Mommy, Daddy and Ashton and wants us to keep the Lego creation by our bed at night.
-She can't wait for Ashton to come and tells us all the things she plans to do for him: "give Mommy his paci when he cries, but not to Ashton because we have to wash the germs off first."  "Teach him how to go potty and put his shoes and coat on."  "buckle him into his car seat."  "feed him his bottle, put him to bed, and carry him up and down the stairs."  (yikes)
-Always needs a hair thing on her wrist like Mommy or in her hair making "a big girl pony tail'.
-Has started writing part of her name.  Can write COL, but prefers to make two C's.  One for her and one for Charlotte.

She is such a sweet, funny, empathetic little girl.  Love her to pieces!