Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Vancouver Christmas

We have decided to rotate Christmas locations instead of trying to cram both families in each year.  This year we will be heading to Minnesota so we had an early Christmas celebration in Vancouver.  It was busy, a little crazy and so much fun!  Colbie and Ryder are such buds, its so sweet to see them together and we love that they entertain each other.  Colbie was in heaven with her Elsa dress, crown, and gloves from my mom, matching Elsa shoes from Ryder and stuffed Elsa doll and blanket from my dad.  Ashton enjoyed exploring a new house (getting into everything).  And Jon and I even got to go out with Nichole and Phil one night without kids.  Thanks Grandma and Auntie Bailey!

Too many pics as usual...


Friday, December 19, 2014

Decorating for Christmas

I meant to post these pictures a few weeks ago, but the craziness of Christmas started early this year. Yes we strapped Ashton down in the bumbo seat for as long as he would allow it.  Also Colbie put most of the ornaments on the tree, so they're all bunched in one area.  In the past this drove me crazy, but this year I didn't move any ornaments and I love it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Little Walker

Ashy took his first steps a few weeks ago.  He's still pretty wobbly, but is picking up walking quickly.  He has no fear and just goes for it over and over again.  He's such a boy.  He has also started climbing everything.  This cutie is going to keep us very busy in Minnesota this Christmas!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tis the Season

We started off the holiday season with a little snow, which both kids loved!  We also decorated our tree (yes there's a gate around it), visited Santa (we got one quick picture before Ashton started crying), and had an amazing day with Mrs. Claus.  Complete with hot cocoa, cookies, cupcakes, crafts, and a magic show with a real bunny!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dear Santa

Dear Santa....

"My favorite thing about Christmas is candy canes, presents, and decorating the Christmas tree.  My favorite reindeer is Rudolph, I just love him so much!  I have a Christmas calendar with chocolate inside.  I have been working hard to be a good sister to my little brother Ashton.  For Christmas I would like...
1. A Singing Elsa Doll 2. An Elsa Dress 3. An Elsa Necklace"

Thank you,


Colbie has been interested in writing her name and other letters lately.  She's getting pretty good!