We have been discussing pulling the pacifier for awhile now. So when Colbie got a cold and could not breathe through her nose or use the paci successfully we decided to go for it. Colbie has done great, I'm so proud of her! Also Jon and I are really enjoying sleeping through the night (we would reinsert the paci once a night).
We gave Colbie a new stuffed Boo doll to sleep with, which she thought was pretty cool at first. She willingly gave her pacis away to Aunt Cole's baby. She has never asked for the paci back, but reassures herself often "for aunt Cole's baby." After two weeks of no pacifier she is a little less happy to go to bed at night, would rather Boo sleep on the changing table, cries/fusses for about two minutes before playing or going to sleep, and sleeps through the night without a peep. We are very happy with the result!
Boo doll and my Sleeping Beauty |
Big girl at the park with Mommy and Daddy |
Chilly picnic with Mommy |