18 months, what??? I can not believe Colbie is already 1.5, where did the past 6 months go? I guess the saying "time flies when you're having fun" really is true. Colbie is so much fun these days. It is so amazing how much happier this girl is now that she can walk and talk. My fussy, stressful, people hater baby has turned into an outgoing, fun filled, adventurous, chatty little girl.
-Can now say three word sentences. Will say pretty much any word you ask of her other than her name. Calls herself baby or big girl, but not Colbie. Loves learning new words, and saying "bless you daddy" whenever he sneezes, so cute!
-Still loves to read, climb, slide, swing, balls, dance, sing, music, and especially loves animals.
-Likes to be clean and organized =) toys must go back in the correct spot, hates when drawers aren't closed all the way and says "wipe" if she gets food on her hands or mouth. Guess she got something from me, hehe.
-Loves pointing to and naming body parts, I'm running out of parts to teach her. Her new favorites are neck and elbow.
-Loves school yippee. Gets excited when I tell her its a school day and says "see Charlotte."
-Doing so much better in the car and eating a little better also.
-Going to bed at 8pm but still gets up at 6:15, naps are lasting a bit longer 2-2.5 hours.
-Enjoys wearing any size of shoes and any type of fancy hair style. Asks for a bow first thing in the morning.
-Really wants to help me make dinner and constantly says "see, see" so I show her what I'm doing up on the counter.
-When we leave the house or she goes to bed she must say bye and give kisses to her bear and baby.
-Don't know her stats (we don't have an appointment till 2) but continues to look tall and skinny like her daddy. Has brown eyes and blond hair, but her has already started to darken without the sunshine.
-Still follows me around the house, but no longer fusses when I leave a room.
-As soon as I get out the camera or my phone she comes running towards me asking to see pictures, sadly it's really hard to get pics of her these days. Of course I have managed a few....
Fall photo shoot in backyard |
Puzzle with bear |
Kisses for her statue buddy at the library |
Enjoying the fountain |
Smelling the roses |
Off to meet Charlotte and Beth at the zoo |
Ball pit at school with Reese |
Sunny October day |