I decided I would do updates every other month now that Colbie is one (she doesn't change quite as quickly as that first year). I am absolutely loving this age! Colbie learns something new almost everyday and is becoming a little person. I am amazed at how much she understands and how friendly she has become. She is even showing a little independence. A few things I want to remember about Colbie at 14 months....
-She loves being my little helper: puts groceries away in fridge, dirty clothes in hamper, turns off lights, closes doors, and loves throwing things in the garbage (including things that are not garbage).
-Must be carrying something at all times. Usually it's a large item or multiple items.
-Getting two more teeth on the bottom, which will total 8 teeth.
-She has started climbing on everything (into drawers and baskets, onto the coffee table and couch, and loves climbing the playground equipment at the park).
-Throughout the day asks "Dada Go?" and puts up her little hand up like where is he?
-Loves to brush her hair and show us where her eyes are
-Still loves animals, real and stuffed. Whenever she sees a stuffed animal she says aaaaahhhh and snuggles and kisses it. When she sees a real animal she also says aaaaahhh and tilts her head like she wishes she could snuggle it. Says the following animal sounds: bird, dog, cow, pig, horse, elephant, snake, monkey, owl, fish and squirrel. Also does a cute car/airplane noise and sirens.
-Words she says: mama, dada, hot (tata), where's it, where'd go, do, this, that, thank you (dado)
-Can't get enough music/dancing, outside time and kid time. Still hates the vacuum. Is getting better in the car. Is finally drinking only cows milk, but is not a big eater or drinker. Is having a bit of a rough time transitioning to one nap. Is now using a blankie for bed instead of a sleepsack. Still chokes often.
Carrying Dads shoes around the house |
Getting into trouble. Loves being naked. |
Sweet face |
Messy Dinner |
Colbie's safe jungle gym that Dad made for her |
Carrying around her cheese sticks |
I love Watermelon! |
Happy face
Loves being pushed by Daddy in her Pooh car and being pulled around on our pool air mattresses |