I never understood why parents were sad to see their kids grow older, and now I understand. I still can't explain it, but feel so sad that my tiny baby is already one year old! This year has been very challenging, stressful, tiresome, but most of all extremely joyful. Colbie has changed our lives in so many ways and we are amazed every day how much we love and adore her.
I apologize for the length of this post in advance..... I want to remember everything about my little lady at age one=)
-Loves stuffed animals, being outside, playing in the fridge, her shadow, opening and closing doors, music, dancing, new surroundings and adventures (as long as mom or dad are close by) and especially books. Will read for 30+ minutes with us, can open and turn pages herself also. Loves Story Time at the library, kids of all ages, and recently is obsessed with dogs.
-Waves constantly (even at strangers), gives the cutest kisses, attempts to blow kisses, ooohs and clicks her tongue to sing along to music
-Waves good morning to all the animals on her wall in the morning before we can leave her room
-Uses her paci to fall asleep and in emergencies
-Has both bottom teeth and is currently working on all four on top, two of which are through the skin
-Has very chubby fingers and toes, but is quite thin everywhere else
-Is a picky eater, but loves shrimp, cheese and all types of berries
-Is very close to walking and has taken a few steps independently. She has the skills to walk alone but is too chicken to try and just sits right down.
-Dislikes the car, not being with mom or dad, getting her diaper changed and is still terrified of the vacuum
-Uses the sign "more" for everything. Can also sign "all done" and we are working on "please"
-Sits with both knees bent backwards, which looks painful to me
-Loves her new bike, we have to hide it from her otherwise she expects a bike ride every time she sees it. Points at the bike and then at the front door.
My current favorites: How she gives kisses, how she waves good night to dad while resting her head on my shoulder as we head downstairs, her bird sound "ka," how she pats, kisses and hugs her stuffed animals, the brief snuggle time she gives me first thing in the morning. We love you LA (little angel), Happy First Birthday!
1 year stats:
weight: 19 pounds (17%)
height: 29 inches (50%)
head: 17.5 inches (25%)
My two best buds |
Cruisin |
Meeting Daddy for a birthday lunch down town |
We let her have some birthday cookie, but she prefered her raspberries |
Walking around downtown after lunch, a little ridiculous she has to be this bundled up in April |