Just one more month and our baby will be a big one year old. I can't believe how big our little angel is and how fast time
flies. We love you Colbie Ryan!
-She can't get enough walking (with help of course). We have seen our first tantrums this month whenever we try to take a break from using the walker or walking her around while holding onto our fingers.....yikes. This girl loves walking and also enjoys stepping on and kicking any item that's in her way.
-Can stand alone briefly (about 5 seconds)
-Points at everything
-Can't help but shake it and sing along to any music she hears
-Has started making animal noises....so cute. Can do a dog, squirrel (clicking sound, she prefers to do noises of animals she actually sees) and her favorite is a bird. She says "ka, ka" we have many crows around our house.
-Lights up when we go outside. We can't wait for the weather to improve (its been snowing)
-New favorite food: all types of berries. She is starting to be a very picky eater.
-Is working on her two top teeth
-Can crawl up our very steep stairs
Playing in the kitchen |
Visiting Auntie Cole for her birthday |
Playing with Grandmas cat |
Happy naked baby |
Thanks Angela for the cute hat, it finally fits=) |
Big girl, watching the birds outside |
Hi mom |
Bath time after eating blackberries |
My two little teeth |