Thursday, February 23, 2012

What makes me smile

We have noticed Colbie's personality really shining through lately and have enjoyed seeing her smile and giggle at some of her new favorite things/activities. 

She absolutely loves her big bear from Grandma and Grandpa Ryan.  When she sees it her face lights up and she begins waving with both hands.  She crawls to the bear and waits patiently for Jon or I to make the bear wave back to her.  She also jumps on top of the bear and snuggles him.
She loves music!  Any children's song that includes hand motions, especially when we make her hands do the motions.  She has also recently discovered our music.  She crawls over to my I-pod and speakers and signs "more."  She prefers the song Hallelujah by American Idol winner Lee Dewyze (no joke), but is starting to tolerate Lady Antebellum and Matt Kearney.
She can't get enough of us chasing her around the house!  I don't know how she does it, crawling on the tile all day long.  Jon and I can barely last 5 minutes.  She giggles away when we say "I'm gonna get you" and when we find her (she's usually next to the fridge) she often crawls towards us instead of away from us.  We hope to catch this on video and will post it soon.
my new best friend

kisses for bear

listening to Moms music

she always has to hold the tiny I-pod

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

Last night Colbie fell asleep while reading night time stories with Daddy.  For many 10 month old babies this is probably a normal occurrence, but Colbie never falls asleep with us anymore!  She never holds still and always wants to be involved in the action no matter how tired she is.  Usually to get her to sleep it must be very dark, very quiet and involve lots of motion.  She sure looks cute while sleeping=)

Friday, February 17, 2012

10 months

-Her biggest accomplishment this month is getting her first and second tooth finally!  After learning that Jon did not get his first tooth until he was one, I had given up on seeing anything but gums in her smile, but this month her bottom two came in together.  She was a bit sensitive and a little drooly but slept well so we were happy=)
-Crawls quickly now and loves for us to chase her down the hall saying "I'm gonna get you!"
-Starting to catch on to baby sign (does "more" but it looks more like a clap) and likes giving "high fives"
-Can pull herself into a standing position which makes me nervous!
-Absolutely loves music, singing and books.  Especially books with pics of babies and animals.  We read probably 30 books a day (short baby books of course).
-Enjoys walking while holding onto our hands
-Likes playing in the kitchen while mom cooks and does dishes
-Prefers table food to baby food now.  Her favorite foods are cheese, whole grain waffles, and tofu.
-Understands the word "no" and listens most of the time, although she often gets her feelings hurt and cries when we say it, especially when Daddy says it
-Does not enjoy the car anymore=(
She loves being naked and playing with her big bear

Playing in the kitchen


Just enough hair to hold a clip....thanks Sarah for the cute bow

Wearing Daddys hat

I'm so cute=)

Date night for Mom and Dad, thanks Gloria!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

Colbie's first Valentines Day was spent doing story time at the library and spending quality time with Mom and Dad.  She also received a few Valentine's Day gifts from us and the grandparents.  Jon and I are excited to celebrate Valentines day this Friday with a date night (only our 3rd date night in 10 months).  Thanks Gloria for watching Colbie why we have a night out!  Of course we are putting Colbie to bed first to save both her and Gloria from a night of tears=)

Wearing the bow from Grandma and Grandpa Annetts gift

Look what I got Dad!

We also did a little yard work, in the rain!  Colbie was a good sport!

About to head to story time at the library

Cutest Valentines Day butt ever!

More heart PJ's

Love that big smile and those chubby legs

Working on Daddy's Valentine

Was more excited about the paintbrush and painting her hand

She was pretty clean, I guess I didn't need to cover everything in garbage bags=)

Happy Valentines Day friends and family!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Green Lake

Although the sun did not stick around for the weekend, we still decided to spend Saturday outdoors in Seattle.  We went for a walk around Green Lake, surprisingly Colbie was happy for the entire 3 mile walk.  Then we played on the playground and had dinner at Tuttabella.  One of my favorite restaurants which happens to be very kid friendly.  Other than Colbie not eating or sleeping for most of the day (there was too much excitement) and a minor choking incident at dinner, the day away from home was a big success!  I forgot to bring the camera but Jon took a few pics with his phone of her first (of many) trip around Green Lake and ride on a swing.

She loves watching the ducks

She was unsure at first but then enjoyed the ride!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

From Snow to Sun

We are loving the change in weather this week.  It's not very often we have sunshine in February and we are enjoying every minute of it.  Colbie has a new found love for the outdoors now that she can explore it herself.  Thankfully she still enjoys a walk in the stroller too.  Keep coming sunshine, we have missed you!

Sunny day at Coulon Beach

This looks tasty

Watching the birds

Soaking up some Vitamin D in the front yard

Watching the squirrels play

These look fun, here I come!

Got it!

Of course she must taste it, yuk!

Luckily she didn't put grass in her mouth

Clapping, playing in the backyard is fun Mom!

Rain Forest Cafe

While my mom and step dad were in town we took Colbie to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner.  She was a little scared of the monkeys but overall enjoyed all the animals and was especially impressed by the fish tanks!
At the dinner table with Grandma

Happy if not too close to those Monkeys

Colbie loves the water

Happy girl with Grandma and Grandpa