It has been amazing watching Colbie grow and change. She has definitely accomplished more this month than any other!
*She can crawl! Her first crawling strides were on 1/8
*She can get into the sitting position from laying down
*Is starting to pull herself up on things
*Waves at everyone and everything, especially stuffed animals and herself in the mirror
*Is able to feed herself small pieces of food. She often claps when she's successful, wonder where she got that=)
*First word.....Mama, and says Dada now too
*Also makes many other sounds, baba, mmmm, num num, and a her new favorite a clicking sound with her tongue
*Loves to mimic. She often does a fake cough and sings along with me and music
*Sleep Schedule: night time approx 7:30pm to 6:30am. Morning nap from approx 9-10 and and an afternoon nap from approx 1-2
*Loves watching animals, seeing pictures of babies, touch and feel books, and staying busy.
Weight: 16lbs 7oz (15%)
Length: 27.5in (50%)
Head: 17in or 43cm (25%)
Also want to note that Colbie had her first flu (even with having the flu shot) and cold this month. She handled both very well.
Ready for a play date/visit with Beth and Charlotte and Sarah and Des |
Peek a boo |
Bubbles with Daddy before bed |
I love blueberries! |
Relaxing in the guest room |