Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Crawler

Many people told us that we would regret the day Colbie learned to crawl as it tends to be much more work chasing them around and child proofing the house.  I am very happy to say Colbie, Jon, and I have never been happier!  Colbie loves being able to explore and has become so much more independent.  She is no longer fussy and loves her new found skill.  She doesn't need us to entertain her every minute and is able to find a new activity on her own when she gets bored.  We are so grateful for our happy crawler and are also glad that we don't have too much furniture upstairs.  This allows her to crawl about happily in many different rooms.  So far we have had only one tumble on the tile floor, of course we expect many more in the future!
These pics aren't that recent as they are off Jons phone but still fun to look at=)
Plane ride to AZ

Excited about a beer=)

Sleeping on Mommy during plane ride

Daddy did her hair

Im a big girl now!

Crawling around at the kids play place in Bellsquare Mall

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow Birthday

 Although most of my birthday plans were rearranged due to the snow I am so very thankful my sister made the crazy drive to Seattle to spend my birthday with me.  Without her Colbie and I would have been stuck in the house alone (Jon was in Vegas) with no TV for 3 days, yikes!!  Thanks so much Nichole and Ryder for coming in the crazy snow and freezing rain to spend the weekend with us. 
It was an adventure.....I had to walk to the Arco to get milk for Ryder and a few birthday drinks for the moms of course.   Nichole watched the kids, the ice/snow was impossible to take a stroller though and too slippery to carry the kids.  The next morning we woke up to ice repeatedly hitting the roof.  The temperature warmed up quick and the ice from the trees was quickly melting and falling off in large clumps.  Ryder kept asking us to "turn it off" because it was so loud!  We were barely able to go to Red Robin for dinner by the last night of their visit.  I drove around alone for about 30 minutes to find the safest route before putting the kids in the car.  The drive was no problem but the parking lot was a skating rink, we were laughing so hard as we slipped around with both kids in our arms and carefully made it back to our cars. 
Colbie loved every minute of her time with Cousin Ryder!  He was so good with her and included her in everything he did.  He would run down the hall and say "come on Colbie" then wait very patiently while she very slowly crawled towards him.  He also made sure she had a hammer at all times (because he always does) and kept saying how busy he and Colbie were working and building.  It's going to be so fun to watch these two grow up together!
Enjoying Mom's birthday packages

Playing in Colbie's crib

Cousin bath time

Wearing Ryder's snow boots

Kitty and doggy hats =)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Crawling Video

We had a few requests to post a video of Colbie crawling (the grandparents of course) so here it is.  She is crawling towards Mommy and her new Big Bird puppet that Jon brought her from Vegas.  She loves it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9 Months

It has been amazing watching Colbie grow and change.  She has definitely accomplished more this month than any other!
*She can crawl!  Her first crawling strides were on 1/8
*She can get into the sitting position from laying down
*Is starting to pull herself up on things
*Waves at everyone and everything, especially stuffed animals and herself in the mirror
*Is able to feed herself small pieces of food.   She often claps when she's successful, wonder where she got that=)
*First word.....Mama, and says Dada now too
*Also makes many other sounds, baba, mmmm, num num, and a her new favorite a clicking sound with her tongue
*Loves to mimic.  She often does a fake cough and sings along with me and music
*Sleep Schedule: night time approx 7:30pm to 6:30am.  Morning nap from approx 9-10 and and an afternoon nap from approx 1-2
*Loves watching animals, seeing pictures of babies, touch and feel books, and staying busy.

Weight: 16lbs 7oz (15%)
Length: 27.5in (50%)
Head: 17in or 43cm (25%)
Also want to note that Colbie had her first flu (even with having the flu shot) and cold this month.  She handled both very well.
Ready for a play date/visit with Beth and Charlotte and Sarah and Des

Peek a boo

Bubbles with Daddy before bed

I love blueberries!

Relaxing in the guest room

Monday, January 16, 2012


Colbie's been enjoying her first time seeing snow!  She watches it from the window and while in her high chair eating.  We even took her outside briefly so she could see and feel it, she loved it!  She does not mind being cold and loves new things.