We had another successful Well Check appointment with Dr. Chesley. I scheduled this apt later in the day so Jon could come; he was happy to join us and ask questions, but after the tears from her shots he became very skeptical of why kids need to be vaccinated (he googled it when we got home). Colbie has reached all the important milestones and is growing so quickly! Even with Tylenol Colbie was a very fussy girl from her shots. I am currently typing this post with her sleeping attached to me in our Chicco front pack. I have not been able to put her down and her appointment was yesterday!
Here are the stats from our appointment, some current pictures, and a little about our baby at 4 months.
Height: 2' .75'
Weight: 12lb 10oz
Head Circumference: 39.2cm
(Colbie does not really fit in the group of Preemie or Full Term babies as she is a "Preterm Baby" which they don't have a chart for, so the doctor gave us both charts, she is probably somewhere in between)
Her percentiles if she were Full Term:
73% height
30% weight
10% head circumference
Her percentiles if she were Premature:
90% height
55% weight
25% head circumference
*Colbie loves her feet, taking walks, being outside (especially when fussy), and chewing on her hands
*She sleeps 10 hours straight at night (lucky me), but doesn't sleep much during the day
*Is getting better at being in unfamiliar places and being held by unfamiliar faces (she even smiled at the Dr.)
*Rolls from tummy to back and is very close to rolling from her back to her tummy
*Giggles when tickled and is recently a big talker
*Smiles the most when mom gets her out of bed in the morning and when Dad gets home from work
Peek a boo, Colbie in her crib |
She really enjoys chewing and sucking on her hands |
Action shot of rolling over |
First pair of jeans |
I think we have a thumb sucker (like Mommy) |
Are those blue eyes I see? |
She still loves being on her changing table |
She loves being outside |
Happy Baby |
Sweet little toes |
Cute little bottom, and chubby legs |
She is obsessed with her feet |
Sleepy Girl |
When she is fussy Daddy takes her to see the flowers |
Smelling or tasting? |
Love her smile=) |
Already starting to reach for toys and put them in her mouth, yikes! |
She thinks being swaddled is funny |