Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 33

My doctor appointments and pregnancy continue to go very well.  I am measuring right on track (32cm at my last apt), Colbie’s heart rate is good, she is moving tons and my blood pressure is great.  I did however loose 2 pounds from my previous appointment.  I had been sick for 2 whole weeks with a nasty cold and sinus infection so the doctor did not seem too worried.  I am happy to finally be feeling better now that I am on antibiotics!  It feels great to sleep through the night again; I know I won’t have this luxury much longer.

I also found out at my last appointment that my doctor was put on bed rest, yes she too is pregnant, and so I was pretty disappointed that she will not be around for the remainder of my pregnancy.  I look forward to meeting the other doctors and hopefully will like them just as much as Dr. Brown.  I will be having one last ultrasound at 35 weeks, which I am a bit anxious about.  During my first ultrasound I learned that I have a Pelvic Kidney, which means my left kidney is no where near where it should be.  There is a chance that my kidney will be in the way of delivering and if so I will need a scheduled C-section.  I hope this is not the case, but I am trying to keep an open mind. 

Jon and I completed our “Bringing Baby Home” class through Overlake Hospital, which was a class to help prepare our marriage for the baby.  It was very informative and it was great to spend so much quality time with my husband!  We also had our Hospital Tour, so we are all ready for Colbie to arrive, ha ha not really.  I’m not sure I will ever be completely ready, but we are definitely excited to meet her.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Colbie's Cousins

Colbie has no idea how lucky she is to have such great cousins!  Ryder who is 18 months is such a sweet kid.  He may give my sister a heart attack before she’s 35, but not because he isn’t great.  Ryder seems to catch nearly every cold, has tons of ear infections, and is allergic to nearly everything, however, he is always smiling, loves spending time with everyone and boy does he love to clean=)  When I went home a few weeks ago Ryder pointed to my belly and said “ball.”  He is so smart; at only 18 months he knows his auntie Jaime is not usually this large!  Thank you Ryder, I love you!
Hope, although not a cousin by blood is just as important.  She had more effect on convincing Jon to have kids than probably anyone else, thanks Hopie!  She just turned 3, is all GIRL and is going to be such a great mini mom to Colbie.  She continually tells everyone that Auntie Jaime’s baby is not ready to come out and play yet because she is still growing.  She also asks me to see baby Colbie’s picture constantly.  When I show her the ultrasound picture she says “she’s so cute.”  What a sweet heart, we all know she has no idea what the picture is, I can barely tell!
Of course great kids only come from great mommies!  Nichole and Kristin you are the moms I will strive to be, you are amazing and have been so helpful throughout my pregnancy.  I love you both so much!  Holidays in Vancouver will be so much fun with these three kiddos; I can’t wait for Ryder and Hope to see their new baby cousin!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jon and Jaime Baby Pictures

Jon and I asked our moms to track down some baby pictures of us so we can see who Colbie looks like when she arrives in just 9 more weeks....We were not that cute as infants (sorry moms) and are hoping Colbie is much cuter!
                                                             Jaime 5 months
                                                                  Jon as a newborn
                                                                 Jaime Newborn
                                                        Jon 6 months (love this outfit!)
                                                                   Jon 6 months
Jaime 2ish