We have been very busy the past couple weeks getting ready for the baby. I am now 28 weeks which marks the beginning of the third and final trimester. I can't believe we will be parents in just three months! Jon painted the nursery over Superbowl weekend, what a great husband! We also finished registering and put the crib together this weekend. Here is a picture of the pink and green walls and new crib.

As you can see I am growing rapidly! A guy at the gym asked me if I was having twins or triplets....guess I should lay off the chocolate! I have started having a few contractions, which worried me at first. My doctor says as long as I rest as soon as the contractions begin and they don't occur more than 4 or 5 times per hour then I shouldn't worry. So unfortunately I am taking it very easy at the gym lately. The Baby now weighs about 2.5 pounds and is about 16 inches long. I feel like she is outgrowing my belly as her movements and kicks are much more noticeable. I am getting a little nervous about the due date approaching and the actual birth. Jon can't wait for her to arrive and thinks 10 months is way too long!

We celebrated Valentine's Day a few days early and went to McCormicks and Schmicks for dinner and then to a movie. During dinner we finally decided on a name for our little baby girl. We are very excited to announce that her name will be......
Colbie Ryan AnnettHere is a picture of us before heading to Valentine's Day dinner.