Sunday, December 19, 2010

20 weeks. Half way done!

I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly the first half of my pregnancy went. Here are some highlights, lowlights and Jon details for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy!

*Not feeling nauseous the first trimester, I feel so lucky to have breezed through the first three months with only the occasional dizziness or faint feeling.
*Enjoyed eating lots of cheetos, fruit, and of course sweets.
*During week 19 a stranger at the gym telling me congratulations and pointing to my belly, this may not seem exciting to most people but to me it meant it was finally obvious that I am pregnant and not just gaining holiday pounds.
*week 20 finally being able to determine movements that come from the baby.
*All three ultrasounds, but the first was my favorite. Jon and I were amazed to see how much the baby moved around already, and hearing the heartbeat for the first time was amazing.

*Constantly worrying if the baby is okay, gaining weight, headaches, and giving up alcohol of course!

*He can’t wait to decide on a name, he makes me rate names from 1-10 constantly and asks me almost daily if I have read the Baby Name book and added any names to our list of favorites.
*He decided we need a visual of how big the baby is each week, so each week we have a different fruit or vegetable that sits on top of the TV which shows how big the baby is in length (not width). We started with a grape and are now to a small cantaloupe (this makes the baby approx 6.5 inches long from head to butt and weighs about 10 ounces.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

19 week Ultrasound

Jon and I are very excited to annouce that it's a girl. This is Jons first gift to baby girl Annett!

The printer was not working on the ultrasound machine so the pictures were taken by the proud father! Yea for cameras on cell phones! This smile is me finding out it's a girl=)

Happy and healthy baby girl. Her heart rate was 145, much lower than previous appointments, but still normal.